Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Just Sum Lines

(Published on 15. April 2024, 16:59 by Scojo)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.
  • Lines in the grid act as both Region Sum Lines and Ten Lines.
  • As Region Sum Lines: Region borders divide the lines into segments with equal totals. Different lines may have different totals.
  • As Ten Lines: Each line consists of one or more contiguous groups of cells, and the values of the cells in each group must sum to 10. These groups of cells cannot overlap.

Solve in SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 8

Solved by blackjackfitz, jalebc, SKORP17, zlotnleo, keenbowl, davidjshort, AltVoid, Alce, IcyFruit, wuc, gdc, Krisonium, by81996672, Hajuhn, isajo4002, sujoeku_, Black_Doom, Sonki, JeremyDover, Mr.CHEN, Crul, ... lmdemasi, roscommon, Hay-in-needlestack, MacGamer, NeilGirdhar, Bulkystapler, sujoyku, Uhu, OGRussHood, BEHamren, timww572, karlmortenlunna, PippoForte, ErwinR, pigeonsteps, bulguline, josemadre
Full list


on 21. April 2024, 04:47 by BorisTheSnake
This one is so simple if you know what to look for. Very nice!

on 16. April 2024, 23:06 by PKMKII
Nice interaction of the math between the two rules

on 16. April 2024, 15:14 by JeremyDover
This was a lot of fun! The duality of the lines made for an interesting combination.

on 16. April 2024, 07:17 by isajo4002
this made me feel dumb. great puzzle though

on 15. April 2024, 22:26 by wuc
Nice. Had the math early. Still a hard break in. Great puzzle thx.

on 15. April 2024, 19:21 by keenbowl
That was very fun, smooth nice logic all around, thanks for setting&sharing.

on 15. April 2024, 17:06 by blackjackfitz
I enjoyed this, thanks for sharing! The RSL and 10 lines worked really well together.

Rating:91 %
Solved:75 times
Observed:12 times

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