Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Up, Down, Left, Right (Numbered Rooms, 159)

(Published on 14. April 2024, 16:00 by Crusader175)

My puzzle for the first round of the Speed Setting Tournament hosted by dumediat. Duel with two selected constraints. Mine is Numbered Rooms, and my opponent jwsinclair chose 159.


Normal sudoku rules apply.

159: Digits in columns 1, 5, and 9 indicate the column in which the digit 1, 5, or 9 (respectively) appears in that row.

Numbered Rooms: Clues outside the grid indicate the digit which has to be placed in the Nth cell in the corresponding direction, where N is the digit placed in the first cell in that direction.

Puzzle Link:

SudokuPad (with solution check)

My youtube channel on solving sudoku: Crusader Puzzle

Solution code: Column 2 Column 8

Last changed on -

Solved by IAM3, cathematician, Greg, andreatetta, goodcity, jwsinclair, IcyFruit, wang, tiredsudoku, SKORP17, jalebc, Bellsita, JeremyDover, fuxia, Carolin, zrbakhtiar, matiasv5, MalkoMann2, TomZak, avishai, ... asver, Marl, hurrynot, timww572, belnovic, Uhu, deangaudet, Scott6782, Toren, Snaques, pepe74287, lpq29743, vmirandaa, jgarber, Sotehr, johnreid, Ploctypus, pigeonsteps, Donatello_86 , tgstar
Full list


Last changed on 19. April 2024, 10:51

on 19. April 2024, 09:05 by randall
Gorgeous! I should have expected nothing less from you, Crusader :)

Reply: Thank you for the solve and kind comment randall!

Last changed on 16. April 2024, 18:26

on 15. April 2024, 18:29 by dumediat
Awesome puzzle, congrats on your round 1 win!

Reply: Thank dumediat and thank you for hosting the event!

Last changed on 15. April 2024, 14:08

on 14. April 2024, 22:35 by Flinty
Very nice, even better knowing how quickly it was constructed. :)

Reply: Thank you Flinty! :)

Rating:96 %
Solved:161 times
Observed:11 times

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