Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Exclusionary Principle

(Published on 13. April 2024, 18:36 by jwsinclair)

Exclusionary Principle, by James Sinclair

Normal sudoku rules apply.
Numbers outside the grid give the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal.
Digits in cells separated by an X sum to 10. All possible X's are given.
Digits in cells with a shaded circle must be odd.


If you or someone you know might enjoy a weekly set of puzzles that are pretty approachable by LMD standards (more so than this one, but sometimes not by much), check out Artisanal Sudoku. Thanks!

Solution code: row 1

Solved by jalebc, Steven R, fuxia, Hephaestus, Hierophis69, s1mn, Playmaker6174, LehanLehan, ONeill, keenbowl, Glasgow, Greg, Notlob, Piatato, killer_rectangle, mjozska1985, brandon_bot, SKORP17, josemadre, ... NeroChaos, 7CmN2110, doomedmageknight, pepe74287, widjo, A very large bear, forsen, samuelsamjo, asver, doodManBro, becool, phs, abadx, timww572, megabat, OJPS, asii, Rollie, PippoForte, snuuba
Full list


on 15. April 2024, 13:50 by Lion Crow
Lots of fun interactions.

on 14. April 2024, 20:47 by MatthewDonovan
Really nice logic for the break-in! Thanks

on 14. April 2024, 18:41 by only1evenprime
Love the usage of the negative constraint on this puzzle, thanks!

on 14. April 2024, 04:36 by VitP
another fine puzzle that comes together in perfect james sinclair style. hint: full court press needed.

on 13. April 2024, 20:55 by Playmaker6174
Haha, you really never fail to entertain me there x)

I found this one a tad bit harder than 2/5 diff, but it's a lovely puzzle with some neat uses of the negative constraint :)

on 13. April 2024, 19:16 by Steven R
Flows very nicely, thanks :)

Rating:94 %
Solved:160 times
Observed:7 times

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