The first puzzle with this ruleset can be found here. Ever since that puzzle's debut, I have been revisiting the ruleset every few months to try to find something smoother—and finally found it! Difficulty estimated at 3.5 stars if you have some experience with basic Coral/Yin-Yang logic.
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Coral Variant: Some cells are coral and others are water. The odd digits are all part of the coral. All coral cells are orthogonally connected. The even digits are all part of the water. There may be multiple bodies of water, and all bodies of water are orthogonally connected to the edge of the grid. No 2x2 area is entirely coral or entirely water.
Equal Sum Cages: Within each cage, digits cannot repeat, and the sum of the odd digits equals the sum of the even digits.
Solve Online:
Solution code: Column 5
on 30. April 2024, 23:53 by yttrio
Definitely much smoother than the original!
on 19. April 2024, 03:58 by Calvinball
Now it's your fault I didn't get anything done tonight. The lovely puzzle more than makes up for it though :P
on 17. April 2024, 22:00 by Myxo
Wonderful puzzle! So many cool deductions!
on 14. April 2024, 21:03 by bansalsaab
Beautiful. easier than linked puzzle but totally entertaining nonetheles.
on 14. April 2024, 12:05 by Piatato
Excellent puzzle! All that hard work really paid off! :)
on 14. April 2024, 10:18 by Snookerfan
Very nice puzzle! Lovely interactions. I didn't think it was 3.5 stars for difficulty, although I know some secrets that are required for a smooth solve. Thank you