Standard 7x7 chaos deconstruction rules apply, as well as modified landvermessung rules (the shaded/unshaded cells are swapped from standard landvermessung to accommodate the chaos deconstruction, and clues indicate sums of digits along paths instead of their lengths).
Chaos deconstruction: shade some cells, and in each unshaded cell place a digit from 1-7 such that digits do not repeat in rows, columns, or regions. The regions are 7 groups of 7 orthogonally connected unshaded cells that must be determined by the solver. All cells outside of regions are shaded and do not contain digits.
Landvermessung: in the shading of cells for the chaos deconstruction, no 2x2 area is fully unshaded, and there are no loops of orthogonally connected unshaded cells. Clues indicate the sum of every digit along the shortest orthogonally connected path of unshaded cells that visits all unshaded cells out of the four cells surrounding the clue (these paths may be a single cell, or no cells if the clue is zero).
Example grid:
Here is a grid using digits 1-5 to demonstrate how the clues work. The infinity clue touches two unshaded cells that aren't connected by any orthogonal path of unshaded cells. The 0 clue does not touch any unshaded cells. The 1, 5, 7, 8, and 14 clues can be covered with unshaded paths (or single unshaded cells) that are only touching the clues, while the 20 and 33 must take paths around their upper left corners to reach all the unshaded cells they touch. In all cases the clues are the sums of digits along these paths.
Solve links:
Solution code: Row 1 followed by column 7. For each shaded cell, enter S, for each unshaded cell, enter its digit.
on 10. January 2025, 23:41 by Christounet
Delightful puzzle ! Landvermessung can be very desorienting, but the paths were very clear for me here. Thanks :)
on 16. April 2024, 21:46 by bansalsaab
Please provide an example if possible
Done. Let me know if the rules need any further clarification, thanks.
Loved it.
on 16. April 2024, 17:40 by ONeill
Very nice!
on 16. April 2024, 17:39 by dumediat
Brilliant puzzle, really fun twist on landvermessung and really glad to see more of these on the site!
on 16. April 2024, 17:31 by henrypijames
Don't understand the no-loop rule, don't even have a kindling of understanding for the clues. Don't think it's reasonable to expect the solver to get this kind of complicated ruleset without an example.
That's fair. The rules are only a slight modification of standard Landvermessung rules, but of course those are not well known. I added an example grid along with an explanation of how the clues work within it, please let me know if there's any other changes you'd suggest.
on 16. April 2024, 13:35 by Myxo
Very nice to see a Landvermessung puzzle! Especially one where a degree in Geodesy is not required to solve it.