Matrix of Loopy Fireworks Jr.
(Published on 9. April 2024, 10:42 by Aspartagcus)
This is one of the puzzles I sent to superrabbit for last year's Secret Santa.
A larger 20x20 version can be found
If you like pencil puzzle hybrid puzzles, give it a go! :)
Draw a non-branching, non-overlapping loop along the edges of the cells. In each quadrant of the
grid, the clues of two different genres need to be satisfied.
Line of Sight (left column): Clues represent the length of the first straight line segment seen in
the indicated direction. A questionmark marks any length larger than 0.
Slitherlink (right column): Clues represent the number of edges drawn surrounding the clue.
Masyu (top row): The loop must pass through every circle. The loop must turn on black circles
and travel straight through the next vertex on either side. The loop must go straight through white
circles and turn at at least one of the vertices on either side.
Tapa-like Loop (bottom row): Clues represent the numbers of consecutive vertices occupied by the
loop each time it enters the (up to) eight vertices surrounding the clue. The loop may not pass
through a clue. Questionmarks mark any length.
Below is a 6x6 example, which is also a nice puzzle.
If you wish to try it out, you can do so here:
And this is the puzzle:
Links to solve it online:
Solution code: The lengths of the line segments passed through if traveling from left to right along rows 3 and 8.
For the example puzzle, using only row 3, this would be "1224".
Last changed on on 11. April 2024, 21:19
Solved by josebastian8, jkuo7, MagnusJosefsson, MicroStudy, ONeill, Piatato, JustinTucker, itweb, Jesper, Christounet, misko, Agent, Echatsum, SparklePuzzle, Niku, Mark Sweep, LuanMerlin, CHalb, johnyzzh, KNT, puzzler05, Mitsunari, MrQubo, h5663454, starelev5, Chefofdeath, TheBestJimmy, TheZwierz, LeiZ123321
on 22. July 2024, 16:08 by MrQubo
I've also got stuck because I assumed that segments cannot be 0 length for Tapa tules.
Once I've got that, the puzzle wasn't too hard, though I had to bifurcate a bit. But it was an interesting puzzle.
on 21. April 2024, 14:47 by Agent
Fun puzzle, the rules work well together.
on 15. April 2024, 17:46 by Christounet
That was fun ! Thanks :)
on 10. April 2024, 21:17 by Piatato
Fun puzzle, thanks!
Last changed on 9. April 2024, 18:55on 9. April 2024, 16:41 by MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle, really fun combination!
Thanks! I've seen a couple of other puzzles with hybridized quadrants like this and wanted to try it out myself. :)