Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hit Points Renban Needs A Name

(Published on 5. April 2024, 15:00 by Flinty)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Place the digits 1-9 so that they do not repeat in any row, column, or 3x3 box.

Digits on a pink line form a set of non-repeating consecutive digits in any order.

Hit Points
A clue outside the grid represents the sum of all the numbers where the distance from the clue equals the number..
Examples provided below.

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Hit Points Example:
Clues on the outside count the sum of the digits in their correct position from that direction. In this example all side clues are given.

In Row 1, from the left (yellow), the digits '3' and '7' are the only digits in the correct column position, and have a sum of '10'.

In Row 4, from the right (cyan), the digits '2' and '9' are the only digits in the correct column position, and have a sume of '11'.

The constraint applies similarly to clues on the top and bottom of the grid, but for digits in the correct row position from that direction.

Actual Puzzle:

Hint 1 - Something to ponder

The maximum possible sum of clues on each side is '45'.i.e. once the digit '6' has been used in a sum, it cannot be used again for clues on the same side, by sudoku.

Hint 2 - Where to look first

The 36 clue interacts with the Renban, but be careful as there are two options at the low end.

Solution code: Digits from Row 7

Last changed on -

Solved by olliwright, gdc, sorryimLate, Zandi, maniacaljackal, goodcity, kublai, Matthew Humphrey, SKORP17, Steven R, Woody03130, Gosciola19, Montinox, marcmees, Montikulum, ofersadan, farodin64, Raistlen, ... Selsted, Lovejoy , Fra314, Askloomok, Scojo, tiredsudoku, cheli, atomvic, nyxie, pillowss, BlackApolloX, Zuka, geronimo92, macmillan333, tina.colada, Saskia24, timww572, PippoForte, widjo, Carolin
Full list


Last changed on 17. April 2024, 23:46

on 13. April 2024, 12:05 by Fra314
Well, it's magic at this point... I mean, this is absurdly clever and so well constructed that feels unreal. WOW³

Flinty: Thank you so much. :)

on 6. April 2024, 18:53 by Black_Doom
Very cool!

on 5. April 2024, 16:49 by goodcity
A very nice combination, nice and easy !

Rating:92 %
Solved:48 times
Observed:12 times

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