Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Doubling Loop

(Published on 5. April 2024, 15:17 by yttrio)


Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in that arrow's bulb.

Draw a one-cell-wide loop of orthogonally connected cells. The loop may not touch itself, not even diagonally.

Digits on the loop count as double their value for the purposes of arrows.


Solution code: Digits on the loop in row 6 (left to right) followed by digits on the loop in column 6 (top to bottom)

Solved by Zandi, idanz, zlotnleo, Snookerfan, Unknown, BBB, keenbowl, teff, killer_rectangle, Paletron, Mr_tn, halakani, Franjo, Odinvi00, zrbakhtiar, tuturitu, trashghost, R3dD3vil2k6, ONeill, StefanSch, ... michaal94, KurtSchneider, puzzlepandit, Mr. Happy, dogfarts, Lakritze, okravetz, soumyagupta0127, PippoForte, ignigomoreno, Visumation, salsais, snn, TheNineElements, cdowell, Matt14, GoldenGod
Full list


on 7. July 2024, 09:47 by puzzlepandit
Great consruct. Lots of maths involved.

on 29. June 2024, 18:02 by KurtSchneider
smooth solve, very nice puzzle, no difficult moments

on 26. June 2024, 21:14 by ChinStrap
Building the loop was lovely but I found myself having trouble with some of the sudoku itself. Great puzzle though!

on 20. April 2024, 06:02 by Nordy

on 9. April 2024, 12:59 by ninjamunk
At first glance this looks difficult, but it solves wonderfully! Very very nice puzzle!

on 8. April 2024, 23:34 by Snaques
Very enjoyable and rewarding puzzle indeed!

The thing I loved is that it didn't just suddenly break down after couple of digits, but kept you working till the end.

There was nothing outrageous in terms of deductions, but certainly 3* for me.

on 8. April 2024, 21:45 by haligonian
This was probably the hardest puzzle I've yet solved, but was easily one of the most enjoyable puzzles ever. 176 minutes for me, but I learned some new tactics along the way!

on 8. April 2024, 18:39 by Calvinball
This solves exactly how you expect Yttrio's puzzles to solve. Wonderfully!

on 8. April 2024, 13:44 by wuc
Hard but not too hard... 60 mins of great fun. Thanx.

on 7. April 2024, 23:01 by Hannah_GBS
I think this is the first 3 star I've ever solved with no help at all! Only took me 86 minutes xD
Very nice puzzle!

on 7. April 2024, 19:57 by cam
Very nicely constructed. I underestimated how difficult it was based on the pretty easy start. Love it!

on 7. April 2024, 17:56 by fitzie
this was an amazing puzzle. it was able to maintain it's difficulty until the very end.

on 6. April 2024, 23:47 by Christounet
Another great loop ! Thanks :)

on 6. April 2024, 18:01 by marcmees
very nice. thanks.

on 6. April 2024, 13:02 by samuel1997
Nice and smooth logic around the whole puzzle! Excellent!

on 6. April 2024, 00:54 by Steven R
Super smooth, thanks :)

on 5. April 2024, 21:12 by Myxo
Really outstanding puzzle! Clean and smooth all the way, while being filled with interesting deductions.

on 5. April 2024, 20:31 by StefanSch

on 5. April 2024, 19:10 by Franjo
Building the loop needs a lot of nice deductions - absolutely entertaining! Thank you very much again for sharing another masterpiece.

on 5. April 2024, 16:44 by BBB
harder than I thought

Rating:97 %
Solved:215 times
Observed:13 times

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