Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 2. April 2024, 12:18 by timyoth)

  • anti-Knight: Identical digits cannot be a knights move apart.
  • normal Irregular sudoku rules apply.
  • non-Consecutive: Consecutive digits cannot share an edge.
  • anti-King: Identical digits cannot be a kings move apart.

  • thermo: digits along thermo must strictly increase starting from bulb.

Play on SudokuPad/CTC App

Solution code: Row 9

Solved by Unknown, Steven R, Fizz, jalebc, Isa, Debba, Luaryo, vollbesonderbar, Sonki, whtshername, pookster, Gilliatt, dtoto, TaeChi, Isfan, SKORP17, zrbakhtiar, pepe74287, lmdemasi, seeppp, brimmy, ... BlackApolloX, jherr, snoswal, W1n5t0n, cat, UDM, Koba, lapazhu, avahales, Pascuel, loigor4, MysticMan, lovely, PunkAssNumberBoy, TroublesomeOrca, PippoForte, Zuka, galium_odoratum, Dharmabum
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on 29. June 2024, 05:00 by lapazhu
lovely puzzle. imo best solved using pen and paper as well

on 14. April 2024, 07:45 by Mip
Very nice. Puzzles like this make me really wish Sven's Sudoku Pad had a text box or something to keep notes in.

I certainly don't have the working memory to keep track of all relationships to figure out which ones do/don't work.

on 9. April 2024, 22:10 by DanSkorne
Counter to everyone else, found resolving the 'second part' incredibly simple, but the colouring bit kicked my ass for almost 4 hours. First 3* puzzle I've solved that felt like I'd really earned!

on 9. April 2024, 06:33 by coreydixon
Amazing ending!! Love love love this series.

on 9. April 2024, 01:29 by coreydixon
Amazing ending!! Love love love this series.

on 7. April 2024, 16:52 by chain.reader
Awesome! once again, love this series.

on 5. April 2024, 11:34 by utsavb
big fan of this series and really admired the end of this one

on 4. April 2024, 16:16 by cpx86
Wow, what a stellar puzzle. I had doubts about my reasoning in the 2nd part, so when I turned out to be correct and it all unraveled was very satisfying :)

on 4. April 2024, 15:13 by Franjo
A funny colorful miracle! Amazing how this works. Thank you so much for sharing.

on 3. April 2024, 09:51 by lcy.30
The colouring part is fascinating and the second part costs me almost 30 minutes. Great that I figured out the pattern eventually.

Last changed on 3. April 2024, 09:30

on 3. April 2024, 00:15 by VitP
a puzzle in two parts.
the procedure for the first part is clear enough. for the second part, i did a bunch of CASING until i figured out the LOGICAL PROCEDURE.
which leads to ...
certainly boggles MY mind how the constructor could first INVENT the procedure and then APPLY it.

from timyoth: oh stop it you. You're making me blush

Last changed on 3. April 2024, 09:29

on 2. April 2024, 17:31 by Isfan
Thank you for another lovely KICK puzzle.
Possibly the best one yet, keep them coming please!

From timyoth: Glad to hear it! I have some grids up my sleeve, but I would like to keep adding some interesting logic rather than just pumping out the same steps in a different shape. Stay tuned!

Rating:94 %
Solved:146 times
Observed:13 times

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