Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 1. April 2024, 04:04 by NotSoMagnifique)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Each full diagonal, both positive and negative, must contain the digits 1 to 9 only once.

Thermo rules apply, where digits along a thermo strictly increase from the bulb to the tip of the thermometer.

Digits along a thin gray palindrome line must read the same backwards and forwards along the line.

Digits separated by a black Kropki dot have a ratio of 1:2; digits separated by a white Kropki dot have consecutive values. Not all possible Kropki dots are given.

Solve Online

Solution code: Enter digits from Row 1 left to right and then digits from Row 9 right to left, no spaces in between digits.

Solved by Dermerlin, AdamPI, MarkSud, Thunder_Chunky, root_vegetable, Hajuhn, ZigZagWonderer, Enkerro, Rex, elpizw, phoenix_tedi, ark29, NineK, Montikulum, zrbakhtiar, zorant, rcg, mjozska1985, Rearden, ... zonny, realhollie, arangues, Zedarflight , sujoyku, koiking, Supertaster, konjecture, teuthida, dielilla, Mal, Fathir, moss, Lovejoy , anmnr, r0the, flipping, seven-seas, hasti2c, TroublesomeOrca
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on 13. August 2024, 00:53 by permafrostyx

on 20. April 2024, 18:42 by Rollo
Nervige Lösungscodebeschreibung.

on 5. April 2024, 15:41 by apcostel15
I don't get why people are so frustrated by the solution code - it's pretty easy to follow. I've seen weirder ones that no one seems to make a peep about!

Last changed on 4. April 2024, 14:17

on 3. April 2024, 11:59 by PatJoyce
Maybe people are missing the fact the puzzle was published on April Fools Day. Hence the twitch with the solution code. Well done!

NSM here - Unfortunately, you're giving me too much credit. I had seen other constructors requesting 18 digits for the solution code and I thought I was following convention. Sorry gang, will limit my solution code lengths going forward.

on 3. April 2024, 10:14 by PatJoyce
Maybe people are missing the fact the puzzle was published on April Fools Day. Hence the twitch with the solution code. Well done!

on 3. April 2024, 03:18 by RussKozerski
It took me more time to input the proper solution than to solve the puzzle. Yes, I know that's my fault for not reading more closely. But really, what's the point of bucking convention at that point? If your goal is to turn an enjoyable experience solving the puzzle into a frustrating conclusion, well, well done.

on 2. April 2024, 03:52 by gamlesvarten
Fun and smooth solve, looking forward to more of your puzzles in the future :) No need to complicate the solution code that much, though ;)

on 1. April 2024, 09:55 by Ju Corb
Lovely puzzle thanks for being a new constructor

Rating:81 %
Solved:210 times
Observed:11 times

Standard puzzle English knowledge Beginners

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