Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Modern Art (Easter Special Edition)

(Published on 1. April 2024, 07:00 by Playmaker6174)

Happy (late) Easter, everyone! And also no, the following one is not meant for a joke or anything similar :P

Recently I've been revisiting some of the older puzzles on LMD (both sudoku and non-sudoke wises), so despite getting quite burned out of my current setting project, I can still find some fun around some old gems on here. A day after finishing some cool ABC Box puzzles, I looked at my upcoming solving list and this one puzzle from Myxo suddenly revived the idea of a "Jack of All Trades" puzzle that I initially put away over half a year ago (even though I haven't really solved Myxo's one).

To stick for a specific theme, I only selected the line-related constraints and also one-upped the challenge by adding a spice of symmetry into it. Unsurprisingly, It quickly came into a halt at first but thanks to constant discoveries of new ideas from everyone else, I could readjust the selection of lines and make uses of each of them at least once.

Regardless of how this receives on here at the end, I definitely still think that this is one of my proudest puzzles up to date and it's quite a high bar there. The solve can get pretty tricky at some points but it's entirely logical from start to finish, and I'll leave a small hint below to one particular point. I hope you enjoy this cool result!

The main grid
The main grid with the labels of each line


- Normal Sudoku rules apply: every row, column and 3x3 box contains digits from 1 to 9 each once.

- Variants included in this puzzle are: Arrow (a circle connecting two arrows), German Whisper (light green, difference of at least 5), Renban (pink), Entropic (light orange), Modular (teal), Region Sum Line (light blue), Nabner (golden), Dutch Whisper (orange, difference of at least 4), Palindrome (darker gray), Zipper Line (lavender), 10 Line (light gray), 15 Line (bright pink).

A detailed explanation of every constraint can be found below.

Puzzle:F-puzzle  -  Penpa plus  -  Sudokupad

+ Arrow: Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the circle cell attached to that arrow.
+ German Whisper: Along the line, two adjacent cells have the difference of at least 5.
+ Renban: Digits along the line don’t repeat and they form a set of consecutive digits which can be in any order.
+ Entropic: Each set of three sequential cells along the line must contain one digit from set {1,2,3}, one digit from set {4,5,6} and one digit from set {7,8,9}.
+ Modular: Each set of three sequential cells along the line must contain one digit from set {1,4,7}, one digit from set {2,5,8} and one digit from set {3,6,9}.
+ Region Sum Line: Box borders divide the line into segments with the same sum.
+ Nabner: Along the line, digits don't repeat and no two digits can ever be consecutive to each other regardless of their positions.
+ Dutch Whisper: Along the line, two adjacent cells have the difference of at least 4.
+ Palindrome: The sequence of digits along the line reads the same forwards and backwards.
+ Zipper Line: Along the line, two digits that are equidistant from the center cell of that line sum to the digit at the center cell.
+ 10 Line: The line consists of one or more contiguous groups of cells, each of which sums to 10. Every cell along the line is part of one group. If there're more than one group, these groups of cells cannot overlap each other.
+ 15 Line: Similar to the 10 line, but the sum of each group is 15 instead.

Small hint (highlight to view): What digits must the nabner line contain given a certain digit is not on there, and what does it impact on the 15 line?

Good luck and have fun solving!

Solution code: Row 2 (left to right), 9 digits long

Solved by lmdemasi, Chilly, rameshsrivats, jalebc, Myxo, SKORP17, killer_rectangle, Danica, Vodakhan , Niverio, goodcity, MicroStudy, bansalsaab, Mad-Tyas, Snookerfan, ryanprobably, halakani, arauwer, ... koba1917, tallcat, tuturitu, tuckerbucket, lerroyy, warpdrive628, Vebby, Droi, ZornsLemon, OGRussHood, Agent, CHRosenthal, Uhu, SudokuHero, tome_coelho, cybers, ghosting, latters176, PippoForte
Full list


on 8. May 2024, 22:59 by SudokuHero
Modern art is a work of art. The way all the lines interacted with each other was genius.

on 12. April 2024, 23:30 by Agent
Beautiful puzzle! It all comes together very nicely.

on 5. April 2024, 16:52 by tallcat
Delightful from start to finish!

on 2. April 2024, 22:08 by ryanprobably
Very nice puzzle! Smooth yet difficult. 5*

on 2. April 2024, 13:36 by Niverio
Lovely! Some steps are veeery intricate, but it's always clear where to look next :)

on 1. April 2024, 16:14 by Myxo
Amazing, truly a work of art :) So many different interesting deductions in this one.

Last changed on 1. April 2024, 15:01

on 1. April 2024, 15:01 by rameshsrivats
Beautiful puzzle. Looks great. Solves smooth.

on 1. April 2024, 14:48 by Chilly
Very intricate puzzle in the end - quite a few hard spots, but very well executed. :)

on 1. April 2024, 14:30 by lmdemasi
I appreciate the labelled diagram you included, it made this much nicer to solve than other puzzles with a large number of different line types.

Rating:97 %
Solved:39 times
Observed:7 times

Variant combination Online solving tool Arithmetic puzzle

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