Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Polar Foil (wrogn deconstruction)

(Published on 1. April 2024, 00:13 by jwsinclair)

11x11 deconstruction rules apply: fill the grid with nine non-overlapping 3x3 square regions, such that each region contains the digits 1-9 once each and no digit repeats in any row or column. Cells outside regions do not contain digits.

All cells that contain digits form a single orthogonally-connected region. All cells that do not contain digits form a loop that is one cell wide and does not branch or touch itself, even diagonally.

The following standard clues appear in the puzzle:
  • Thermometers: digits on thermometers increase from the bulb.
  • Region sum lines: box borders divide each blue line into segments with the same sum.
  • Renban lines: purple lines contain a non-repeating set of consecutive digits in any order.
  • Nabner lines: gold lines contain a non-repeating set of digits, and no two digits on the same line can be consecutive (regardless of their position on the line).
  • Digits in cells with a shaded square must be even.
  • Digits in cells with a shaded circle must be odd.
However, all clues are wrogn! For the purposes of this puzzle:
  • A thermometer is not “wrogn” if any cell on the thermometer contains a digit that is equal to or less than a digit in a cell that is further from the bulb.
  • A region sum line is not “wrogn” if any two segments (as divided by box borders) on the same line contain a set of digits that sum to the same number.
  • A renban line is not “wrogn” if, for any digit N that appears on the line, another digit on the line is equal to N, N–1, or N+1.
  • A nabner line is not “wrogn” unless all of the following conditions are true:
    - the smallest digit on the line is consecutive with exactly one other digit on the same line,
    - the largest digit on the line is consecutive with exactly one other digit on the same line, and
    - all other digits on the line are consecutive with exactly two other digits on the same line.
  • A cell with a shaded square is not “wrogn” if it contains an even digit.
  • A cell with a shaded circle is not “wrogn” if it contains an odd digit.
For each of the clues above, cells that do not contain digits are ignored.

In addition, exactly at least one of the following chess-based constraints applies:
  • Anti-bishop: cells separated by a bishop’s move cannot contain the same digit.
  • Anti-king: cells separated by a king’s move cannot contain the same digit.
  • Anti-knight: cells separated by a knight’s move cannot contain the same digit.
  • Anti-rook: cells separated by a rook’s move cannot contain the same digit.
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Solution code: row six (omitting empty cells)

Last changed on on 1. October 2024, 17:06

Solved by fajoogaloo, Norkas, filuta, Mr_tn, jkuo7, h5663454, noeillia, Vodakhan , ManicVolcanic, SKORP17, Mutx, trashghost, Tom-dz, DiMono, lmdemasi, The Book Wyrm, Playmaker6174, Piatato, SamuPiano, ... karlmortenlunna, Cane_Puzzles, HighEagle, michaal94, redfoot, dendrobium, Andrewmi3, randall, abadx, Fizz, jimmy_bob, PippoForte, Chilly, NEWS, zakkai, johnreid, Sotehr, roflsalot, Klvsched, graggle
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on 1. October 2024, 17:04 by jwsinclair
edit: finally changed the chess rule wording to what it should've been all along

on 1. October 2024, 16:49 by Chilly
Utter rubbish - what a disgrace. This is the kind of filth that gives setters a bad rep. Go away and think about what you've done...

on 14. April 2024, 18:46 by QuiltyAsCharged
It's so bad it's funny! I want to add this puzzle to my "least favorites" list, but they don't have that feature yet. Instead I added it to my favorites list to remind me to move it to least favorites later. ;)

on 9. April 2024, 07:58 by konjecture
Stunning... ly terrible! Deserves its wrogn rating. James, you never fail to amuse me. Can't not *not* not recommend this puzzle so much.

on 8. April 2024, 13:36 by Malrog
i can't bElieve you eXpeCted me to rEad alL those ruLes. i'll nevEr get back the time I've speNt on this monstrosiTy. i'll be GivinG a loW rating, as approPriate.

on 5. April 2024, 02:07 by Calvinball
I can't help but wonder if anyone will ever be able to unseat the lowest rated puzzle on the portal.

on 5. April 2024, 01:12 by OGRussHood
What an outrageous puzzle.

on 4. April 2024, 22:28 by 99%Sneaky
Could this puzzle BEEEE any more annoying? XD

on 4. April 2024, 20:41 by Fool on Hill
This is not a wrogn puzzle - it is a very naughty puzzle [Monty Python, Life of Brian seems appropriate for such an amusing imposter]

Last changed on 4. April 2024, 18:20

on 4. April 2024, 18:19 by samuel1997
This is VERY HARD! Moreover, this is NOT NICE AT ALL! I do NOT like it!

on 3. April 2024, 06:49 by MicroStudy
smooth like a trainwreck

on 3. April 2024, 05:15 by LehanLehan
Really good puzzle,disliked it lowest possible.

on 3. April 2024, 00:45 by Christounet
You know what I hate more than deconstruction puzzles ? A deconstruction puzzle with jwrogn clues !!

Y-uck !
O-utrageous !
U-nenjoyable !

A-ppalling !
R-otten !
E-rratic !

G-arbage !
E-fraud !
N-importe quoi !
I-nfuriating !
U-seless !
S-tinky !

A well deserved rating ;)

on 2. April 2024, 23:11 by wisty
Thanks for the laughs :)

on 2. April 2024, 22:35 by Tacosian
So wrogn it's right!

on 2. April 2024, 19:02 by Myxo
Loved it!

on 2. April 2024, 17:10 by Playmaker6174
I’ll be honest, understanding the rules took me way longer than actually solving the puzzle xD

One of the most wrogn puzzles on this site, period; :)

on 2. April 2024, 16:36 by The Book Wyrm
Definitely one the funniest puzzles I've solved in a while, and also unironically a very good puzzle. Ignore the rating and give this a shot.

on 2. April 2024, 15:28 by DiMono
Heh. Clever.

on 1. April 2024, 19:59 by ManicVolcanic
Why you little

Last changed on 1. April 2024, 18:22

on 1. April 2024, 18:20 by noeillia
The time I spent solving this was absolutely wasted. How thoroughly unenjoyable. :)

on 1. April 2024, 08:28 by fajoogaloo
I love wrogn and I love deconstruction puzzles. Fantastic puzzle that made me chuckle a few times :)

Rating:6 %
Solved:159 times
Observed:13 times

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