Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Parity Party XXIX, "Psy Ops"

(Published on 3. April 2024, 00:38 by glum_hippo)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Each row, column, and 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9 exactly once each. The value of '?' is a single positive integer, and must be determined. The clue to the right of row 4 must also be replaced by a single integer greater than 5.

Parity Party: A number at the edge of the grid indicates the sum of cells encountered when moving through the grid from that vantage point, UP TO AND INCLUDING the first odd or first even digit. For example, a 15 at the bottom of a column could indicate something like 7-8, 8-7, 1-3-5-6 or 2-6-4-3 (among others) when reading up that column... but not 1-2-3-4-5 or 2-6-3-4 etc. That is, the parity of the farthest digit must deviate from that of the others.

Note: If the clue is less than 10, it might simply indicate the value of the first cell. That is to say, you could be adding up zero odd numbers and one even number, or vice versa.

Psychic Parity Party rules also apply. Replace every digit N with the digit found in box N in the same relative position (the boxes are counted top row to bottom row, from left to right). Now apply Parity Party rules to the resulting grid, and the clues must still be correct. Note: the psychic version of the puzzle need not follow sudoku rules!

PSYCHIC RULES EXAMPLE: The grid on the right is the psychic version of the left one. R1C1 is a 1, so it remains a 1. R1C2 is a 2, so one looks in box 2 and finds, in the same relative position (R1C5), a 5. R8C7 (chosen arbitrarily) is a 5, so one looks in box 5 and finds an 8 at the same relative position, etc.

"Psy Ops" in the CtC-App

Solution code: Row 8 of the puzzle, then row 8 of the psychic version of the puzzle.

Last changed on on 3. April 2024, 22:22

Solved by Elliott810, SKORP17, Bellsita, bansalsaab, marcmees, tuturitu, Martijn314, SirWoezel, Vebby, karlmortenlunna, Scojo, LeiZ123321, El Prumpo, Silverstep, Sewerin
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Last changed on 26. May 2024, 18:49

on 7. May 2024, 06:17 by LeiZ123321
very nice puzzle! :)
Thank you for your comment and for solving!

Last changed on 8. April 2024, 15:12

on 5. April 2024, 11:58 by SirWoezel
Lost count how many times I had to restart. Fantastic puzzle all the same!
Hah, I'm very glad you enjoyed it. These two constraints together are a real duumvirate (bifecta?) of nicheness.

Last changed on 4. April 2024, 00:13

on 3. April 2024, 23:55 by marcmees
beauty. messed with my brain. :-)
That was definitely my intention, thank you for solving and commenting

Last changed on 3. April 2024, 23:37

on 3. April 2024, 22:35 by bansalsaab
I certainly hope that's a positive thing :) Thank you for solving my puzzle!

Last changed on 3. April 2024, 22:03

on 3. April 2024, 21:48 by Bellsita
Omg this puzzle is so intricate! Crazy! Beautiful puzzle!
Muito obrigado! That means a lot to me.

Last changed on 3. April 2024, 18:27

on 3. April 2024, 08:19 by Elliott810
Absolutely brilliant puzzle! Take a bow and thanks:)
Thank you for that message! We shall see whether the 2nd solver will ultimately doom this puzzle to being forgotten.

Rating:95 %
Solved:15 times
Observed:10 times

Arithmetic puzzle

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