Solution code: Column 1
on 6. May 2024, 20:57 by waffles_the_dog
Super fun puzzle, though I screwed up in a couple of places and had to redo some of the logic. I'm curious how other folk tracked regions where there was the possibility of separate regions merging? I ended up with a combination of coloring and using the pen tool to indicate where regions could go if I couldn't be sure they weren't going to merge.
Thanks! :)
I generally draw lines with the pen tool with gray color to not obfuscate too much and edges with green color. Coloring whole cells to indicate that they are part of the same region makes it confusing since different colors could end up being part of the same region, and also I often want to use coloring for marking cells with the same unknown value.
on 26. April 2024, 22:36 by DavidH
Very fun puzzle. The hardest logic was at the end for me. I forgot about the "Two regions of the same size may not share an edge" rule, but still solved it, though I imagine this made things quite a bit harder than necessary.
on 15. April 2024, 03:24 by QuiltyAsCharged
An elegant concept for a puzzle, executed perfectly. Bravo!
on 9. April 2024, 15:22 by Aspartagcus
Added link to Cracking the Cryptic video.
on 3. April 2024, 23:26 by singlemathnerd
Good fun. Very enjoyable logic that was not too terribly difficult. Hardest part for me was probably trying to keep track of all the 3x3 regions amid the borders of all the fillominoes. Probably could have figured a way around that, but oh well
on 2. April 2024, 11:39 by Christounet
Very enjoyable puzzle ! I can see how it must have caused trouble to find a valid grid with a satisfying solution path. Thanks :)
on 28. March 2024, 13:33 by henrypijames
The first half or so were super easy (1 star maybe), then suddenly it got hard (4 star). Only then did I remember I'd forgotten the fillominoes-never-touch rule, but that turned out not to be the key either (ended up only using it once perhaps). Definitely a very unusual difficulty curve.
on 28. March 2024, 13:01 by Aspartagcus
Thanks a lot, everyone! Really appreciate the feedback. :)
on 28. March 2024, 12:58 by peacherwu2
Brilliant puzzle! Enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you so much!
on 28. March 2024, 09:38 by Aspartagcus
Fixed example puzzle SudokuPad link.
on 28. March 2024, 09:15 by henrypijames
SudokuPad link for the example puzzle doesn't work (any more?).
Thanks for that. Interestingly, I tried creating a new one using the SudokuPad Penpa+ importer, but got the same error. It worked before. I replaced it with a version I created in SudokuMaker, so no dashed region borders, but at least it works. :)
on 28. March 2024, 03:08 by Lion Crow
Excellent puzzle. Thankyou.
on 27. March 2024, 23:44 by Genomico
That was fun :) Well constructed!
on 27. March 2024, 23:14 by emoney13
Wonderful puzzle!
on 27. March 2024, 19:28 by Prince Joffrey
I didn't have much hope when I started this, but hey, I did it :-) Great puzzle, thanks
on 27. March 2024, 12:34 by Piatato
Awesome puzzle, thanks for all your trouble! :D
on 27. March 2024, 03:13 by Calvinball
Fabulous! Having solved (most) of the first version of this puzzle, I'm so glad you took your time to polish this up. The first version was very good, this version was as close to perfection as you could get.
on 26. March 2024, 22:58 by mathpesto
Fantastic setting! Had a lot of fun with this one
on 26. March 2024, 22:40 by marcmees
very nice puzzle. thanks.
on 26. March 2024, 22:30 by Fool on Hill
Fine tuning this really paid off - plenty to think about, but solves beautifully.
on 26. March 2024, 22:07 by goodcity
Glad you gave this one an other go, the logic was super interesting, I enjoyed that a lot !
on 26. March 2024, 19:56 by yttrio
Great puzzle! Sticking with it until you found this version was definitely worth it.
on 26. March 2024, 15:36 by MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle, very enjoyable!