8 Legged Friend
So this is actually the first puzzle I ever set, around 2 and a half years ago now. It took me a long time to share my creations to the wider sudoku community, but I thought it would be fun to post this one and compare how my puzzles have developed to now! I know there's nothing too mind blowing in this one, but I think it still holds up :)
Sudoku Pad: Click Here
Solution code: Row 8, just to stick to the theme even more
on 12. August 2024, 13:32 by The Book Wyrm
Great puzzle! Some fun and interesting logic that still holds up very well.
on 23. June 2024, 12:59 by puzzlepandit
Congrats on first share. Keep doing good job.
on 3. April 2024, 23:57 by Snaques
Always blows my mind when people share their first puzzles and they are the most intricate things from the get go.
Very fun puzzle and it has aged really well.
on 31. March 2024, 20:43 by silent_rob
Thanks for the lovely puzzle! I actually found it to be on the easier end of 2* but it had some excellent deductions and the variants interacted in really interesting ways. Once I got the break-in it was a very smooth solve.
on 25. March 2024, 08:52 by VitP
spiders and 'pillers and worms, oh boy.
this puzzle definitely qualifies for the "obviously handcrafted" label, so top marks in my book.
difficulty is on the upper end of 2, so beginners will struggle.
on 25. March 2024, 08:36 by Fra314
So good! Lots of little interactions everywhere made the puzzle fun and rewarding. Well done!
on 25. March 2024, 01:28 by sujoyku
Thank you for sharing this cool puzzle, Laake! The solve has been a pleasure. At first, I thought the puzzle would be easier than it actually was, but especially the Spider's web did work some wonders.
on 24. March 2024, 23:49 by 99%Sneaky
I guess you could say this puzzle is really really Good Charlotte's web ^_^
Difficulty: | ![]() |
Rating: | 96 % |
Solved: | 129 times |
Observed: | 14 times |
ID: | 000HF0 |