Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Event Horizon

(Published on 21. March 2024, 20:29 by juggler)

Cracking the Cryptic video

Play on SudokuPad

Normal Sudoku rules apply.
The values of digits inside the black dot (i.e. box 5) are double their normal values.

KILLER - Digits in a cage do not repeat, and their values sum to the number in the cage's upper left corner.
LITTLE KILLER - Values on indicated diagonals sum to the number by the arrow.
RENBAN - Values on a pink line form a consecutive non-repeating set in any-order.

Note: The structure of cages/renbans under the black dot is a mystery, and is up to you to discover.

Solution code: Row 9

Last changed on on 6. June 2024, 19:11

Solved by vitaminz, Lulero, SamuPiano, Nell Gwyn, SKORP17, tiredsudoku, rameshsrivats, onbu, m_busuttil, RJBlarmo, Franjo, japanoise_breakfast, trashghost, Uhu, AvonD, brimmy, Askloomok, makimaki, sujoyku, ... Rex, gynu, Puzzle Weasel, Phandor, IvanZ59, Leilalu222, Illuminated, Felis_Timon, ChinStrap, SirRookie, Scojo, nunc, redfoot, michaal94, PippoForte, widjo, Just me, randall, Mikemerin, Visumation
Full list


on 26. March 2024, 15:35 by RebelSystem
Quite brilliant. A reward from beginning to end of the solve.

on 23. March 2024, 23:44 by sorryimLate
Thank you, that was super enjoyable! To me it felt more like 2-3 stars.

on 23. March 2024, 22:13 by samuel1997
This is magnificent!

on 23. March 2024, 21:55 by juggler
CTC video link

on 23. March 2024, 20:05 by killer_rectangle
I believe the following should be included in the rules:

1). Killer cages may not overlap.
2). Killer cages must be orthogonally connected.

Last changed on 23. March 2024, 16:12

on 23. March 2024, 14:44 by argl
one of the digits in box five, or all of the digits in box five? The phrasing of the rule is confusing. Thanks!

on 22. March 2024, 19:57 by Franjo
Cannot understand why the ratings are under 90% - until now… This is a masterpiece! Thank you so much for sharing and setting this gem.

on 22. March 2024, 13:29 by m_busuttil
Ten minutes to place the first digit and I laughed out loud at how satisfying it was. A stunning puzzle - the way the renban line works is incredible.

on 22. March 2024, 08:20 by rameshsrivats
This has to be one of the all-time great puzzles.

on 21. March 2024, 22:52 by Lulero
Very classy, some unique logic in there, and visuals. Like always, a great puzzle from a great setter <3

on 21. March 2024, 21:52 by vitaminz
This is a top ten in my lifetime sudoku. I will be thinking about my reaction to [REDACTED] for months if not years.

Rating:93 %
Solved:71 times
Observed:14 times

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