Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Serpent Devouring Rome

(Published on 18. March 2024, 01:16 by JeffWajes)

The Serpent Devouring Rome
By Jeff Wajes

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

In a cage, digits do not repeat and sum to the given total. Digits connected by an X or V sum to 10 or 5, respectively.

Draw a one-cell wide snake that moves orthogonally through the grid without touching itself, even diagonally.

The snake cannot enter any cages, but it must include every cell that touches an X or V, including every X and V not given.

Play on CTC

Solution code: Row 1

Last changed on on 18. March 2024, 01:21

Solved by palpot, SKORP17, Snookerfan, CrippledLamp, hoopsie, Brodie2000, SudokuHero, StefanSch, bansalsaab, emoney13, cristophermoore, Starlight, JustinTucker, keerdelta, mew_rocks, jkuo7, dtoto, 5Head, snowyegret, Silverstep, krytolandros, PippoForte, Ysgramoth
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on 21. March 2024, 07:17 by cristophermoore
quite subtle logic! I really enjoyed it. Also a great title :-)

on 20. March 2024, 18:52 by emoney13
Really good puzzle! Flowed really nicely and I love the rules

on 19. March 2024, 19:25 by JeffWajes
@bansalsaab No pair of digits in or touching a cage may add to 10 or 5. Looks like you solved it anyway, though!

@snookerfan Thanks so much!

Last changed on 19. March 2024, 18:23

on 19. March 2024, 17:18 by bansalsaab
Hi Jeff, does the negative constraint apply to the orthogonal pairs where one cell is in cage and other is not? For example is the caged cell is 3, does it rule out the 2 and 7 from non caged orthogonal neighbors?
Or another case, can 2 digits in a cage add up to 5/10 since they are not supposed to be on snake

on 18. March 2024, 16:44 by Snookerfan
Magnificent puzzle! Those rules worked perfectly together and gave some gorgeous deductions. Thank you

on 18. March 2024, 04:29 by JeffWajes
@rameshsrivats Yes, that's correct.

on 18. March 2024, 04:10 by rameshsrivats
Just to clarify, do you mean that if two adjacent cells add up to 5 or 10, the snake must go through them even if there is no marking?

Rating:90 %
Solved:23 times
Observed:11 times

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