Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Jungle Cruise

(Published on 17. March 2024, 19:19 by Sartor)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Digits along an arrow must sum to the digits in the arrows circle. Cells a chess knights move apart cannot contain the same digit.
Enjoy the Puzzle!
Solve with f-puzzles Solve with CtC

Solution code: Row 3 Column 1

Solved by jalebc, SKORP17, CHRosenthal, rameshsrivats, by81996672, Dentones, cathematician, apendleton, dodo, Bjd, SXH, pms_headache, bansalsaab, AvonD, dogfarts, Fw1728, halakani, onbu, han233ing, Snookerfan, ... Krisonium, Corey115, sedici, Silverscree, Isfan, nmmc123, laky, m0rkoli, luuu, Asphodel, AN_not_IO, Krokant, annnz, McMingus, pdabraham, noodlehead, schlathubali, Gullie, MB_Cyclist, PippoForte
Full list


on 18. March 2024, 07:08 by rameshsrivats
Very nice puzzle. Took some time to get through it, but immensely satisfying. Just curious - why do you need an 18-digit solution code? It's not like there's any prize for competing :)

on 18. March 2024, 00:57 by uvo_mod
Sudoku tag added.

Rating:90 %
Solved:42 times
Observed:7 times

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