• Shade some white cells such that no two shaded cells are orthogonally adjacent, and draw a loop that travels orthogonally through all unshaded white cells without intersecting itself or crossing bold borders.
• Clues marked with arrows give the sum of all shaded cells in the given direction, or directions combined, where a cell's value is 1 if it is inside the loop and -1 if it is outside the loop.
• Gears visited by the loop must alternate inside and outside (or vice versa). A gear is visited whenever the loop travels directly from a cell not touching that gear to a cell touching that gear.
• Grey clues inside the grid are valid if unshaded. Shaded clues are unrestricted. The star indicates an unshaded cell.
• A and B each represent a unique value, though not all instances of a value are necessarily ciphered. Positive and negative integers are different values.
Clockwork Yajilin series:
• Orientation
• Parallel Motion
• Parity Point
• Challenger
• Blackout Cipher ◄
Solution code: row 10, using S for straight, T for turn, - for outside shaded cell, and + for inside shaded cell
on 27. February 2025, 07:00 by sfushidahardy
Really lovely! A great puzzle to complete the series. Thanks!
on 31. August 2024, 17:07 by Silverstep
Wouldn't be me if I don't jump into the deep end :)
Overall much easier than Mach Bach (obviously). Except for the opening sequence, but maybe I've completely missed the intended way through.
I'm also going to do Parity Point and Challenger, but maybe not on paper. And I'm probably going to pass on the easier ones
on 20. August 2024, 18:07 by Myxo
Absolutely amazing! :)
on 25. June 2024, 19:06 by Agent
A challenging puzzle with a nice variety of logic, some beautiful and surprising moments!
on 12. May 2024, 01:27 by Piatato
Wonderful series! This ruleset has been a real joy to explore!
on 21. March 2024, 18:06 by Jesper
Great series, really enjoyed it, thanks!
on 20. March 2024, 06:39 by RJBlarmo
Very challenging! Makes great use of the ruleset and all its implications. Thanks for the fun series!
on 19. March 2024, 23:32 by filuta
It was a pleasure and honour to see this series develop - and what a finale!
on 19. March 2024, 22:32 by dumediat
Fascinating, beautiful, and humbling...and I loved all of it. Thank you for this gem! :D