Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

[MasherUpper] Ship-seeking Bombs (Battleship x Brownies)

(Published on 22. March 2024, 03:56 by KusaneHexaku)

This puzzle was part of a 21-puzzle pack made for Martin Ender (Menderbug) during Christmas of 2023.
The full set is currently not publicly available yet, but I've picked out the mashup puzzles to share here
since they're a bit more interesting than the rest, which were simply vanilla logic puzzles.

Ship-seeking Bombs (Battleship x Brownies)

Battleship : Place the given ships onto the grid such that no two ships are touching, even diagonally. Clues outside the grid indicates the number of cells occupied by ships in that row/column. Some ship segments may be given.Additionally, ships may not be placed in cells a circle started on, ended on, or passed through..

Brownies : Move some circles in a straight line orthogonally. The path of a circle may not make any turns, pass through a ship segment, another circle, or the path of any other circles. Numbers on ships segments serves as Brownies clues, which indicate the number of circles in the 8 neighbouring cells.

Solve on Penpa+

For Penpa+'s answer checker to trigger, use the following modes:
- Composite -> Object -> Battleship
- Number/Sudoku -> Normal -> Green/Blue to place the numbers on the segments
- Line -> Normal Green to draw the circles' path

Solution code: For each circle in reading order of how they started, describe their movements in the final solution as a pair of characters.
U/D/L/R for directions, and then how many cells it moves.
If a circle didn't move in the final solution, say 00.

e.g. R2D1U1L300D400... etc.

Last changed on on 22. March 2024, 15:04

Solved by Jesper, Puzzle Weasel, Mark Sweep, misko, jkuo7
Full list


on 22. March 2024, 15:04 by KusaneHexaku
Fixed incorrect solution code which was previously missing one circle.

Apologies to @Puzzle Weasel and anyone else who tried to submit during

Solved:5 times
Observed:1 times

Puzzle combination Placement puzzle Movement puzzle

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