Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Lakeside Castle

(Published on 13. March 2024, 01:55 by ScryTwo)


  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • You must fit all 12 pentominoes into the three shaded regions of the board. Pentominos must be entirely within one region. The pentominos can be flipped and/or rotated. Each pentomino contains exactly one Kropki dot.
  • White dots join cells with consecutive digits. Black dots join digits in a 1:2 ratio. Not all dots are given.
  • No two cells a king's move apart may contain the same digit.
  • Digits in cages may not repeat and sum to the number in the upper left corner.
(Leave the individual pentominos blank for the sake of the solution checker.)

|| Solve on CTC ||

Solution code: Row 2, Column 2

Solved by LibardiA, kporadzinski, mcc, peterkp, ascension
Full list


Last changed on 13. March 2024, 16:27

on 13. March 2024, 16:26 by kporadzinski
Really fantastic puzzle. It isn't much difficult once you realize that there are only two pieces that you can't immediately place. Unfortunately, there is no way I can get congratulations for solving the puzzle at the end :( All individual pentominos are blank.

on 13. March 2024, 01:58 by LibardiA
Great theming, and some really interesting killer cage logic on the pentominoes. Placing the pentominoes was fun too!

Solved:5 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Shading puzzle Pentominoes Chess

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