Factor Glyphs / Faktor Glyphen
(Published on 22. March 2024, 04:42 by Ryx)
Normal Sudoku rules apply. Also:
Neighboring digits on lines must share a common factor, other than 1 (i.e. where 4 appears on a line, it must be next to either a 2, 4, 6 or 8). Numbers may repeat on lines if allowed by other rules.
Roman Numerals in circles give the sum of digits in the four surrounding cells.
REM or Apostate Constraint: There must be at least one 3 in the other corner cells of the puzzle (r1c1, r1c9, r9c1, r9c9).
Click the link to solve on
f-puzzles.com or the
Solution code: Digits from row 1 then column 1
Solved by vollbesonderbar, Ragna, pms_headache, Morolian, SKORP17, agueybana, lmdemasi
Last changed on 22. March 2024, 13:42on 22. March 2024, 13:29 by Ragna
Das hat Spaß gemacht! Dankeschön :-)
@ Ragna - Gern geschehen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback! Ich bin froh, dass es Ihnen gefallen hat.
That was fun! Thank you
You are welcome. Thank you very much for your feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it.