Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

High, Low, or Inbetween?

(Published on 8. March 2024, 19:48 by Krydax)

Krydax's return to setting! It's been a couple years since I've set anything and this one was both fun to set and used my favorite rules! I hope you enjoy solving it. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think. I am a bit uncertain about the difficulty rating.

Normal sudoku rules apply. On a pink line, digits form a non-repeating set of consecutive digits. On a green line, adjacent digits must differ by at least 5. On a gray thermometer, digits must strictly increase from the bulb end to the tip. In a cage, digits must sum to the clue in the top left and may not repeat.

f-puzzle link

Sudokupad link

Solution code: Row 5 digits

Solved by jalebc, seeppp, NRB, Greg, Hephaestus, ludvigr04, Willkimo, RootsInWermland, DanishDynamite, Archon, LehanLehan, pepe74287, 333sudoku333, rares495, NotThatKindOfDoctor, xnoved, BBoris, robokong, ... OGRussHood, Uhu, Bulkystapler, gynu, aaalexx, timww572, augsod, Schesam, Askloomok, cornflakes23, galium_odoratum, ManuH, macmillan333, sandmoppe, PippoForte, hsimah, Toren, mmhhhh
Full list


on 10. March 2024, 00:39 by anyeyeball
Very enjoyable puzzle. Not too easy, but clues were always available. Thanks, and welcome back.

on 9. March 2024, 18:14 by trashghost
Loved how the puzzle held firm and made me work for digits until the satisfying collapse near the end. Fun puzzle and welcome back!

on 9. March 2024, 10:23 by Fra314
Neat puzzle, clever use of the constraints and so much fun!

on 8. March 2024, 23:14 by only1evenprime
Loved the flow of this puzzle. Really cool how the Thermos and German Whispers interacted.

on 8. March 2024, 21:40 by RootsInWermland
This puzzle is one of those where you just have to appreciate the logic and the setting! It is (for me) one of those puzzles that shows elegancy and simplicity, a showcase of a good puzzle not needing to be difficult. The logic and the flow is really nice. Thanks for the setting! Roots

Rating:93 %
Solved:143 times
Observed:11 times

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