Chess And Balances
(Published on 8. March 2024, 18:11 by Bert)
Play on SudokuPad
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Both sides of a balance add up to the same total, but digits have a multiplier based on their position. A digit next to the pivot has a multiplier of 1, the following digit has a multiplier of 2 , the next one 3. I.e. a balance with 1,4,7,8,5 and the pivot positioned between 7 and 8 is valid, because (3x1) + (2x4) + (1x7) = (1x8) + (2x5).
A digit in a cell with a chess piece has an anti-king, anti-bishop or anti-knight restriction. I.e. if the digit in a cell with a bishop is a 3, then all 3's can't be on the same diagonal as another 3.
All cells with chess pieces have different digits.
- The pivot is the triangle on the line, dividing it in two sides that must have the same sum after multiplying the digits with their multiplier which is dependent on the distance away from the pivot.
- Black and white chess pieces of the same kind function exactly the same
- When a digit is on a chess piece, each instance of that digit has the anti-king, anti-knight or anti-bishop restriction (based on the kind of piece) throughout the entire grid
A picture that might clarify things some more, crosses are where the digit cannot repeat due to the anti-king, anti-knight or anti-bishop restriction.
Solution code: Row 9
Last changed on on 8. March 2024, 19:49
Solved by jalebc, ashisstuff, Wrightshoe, Woody03130, gdc, kroutu, agueybana, bansalsaab, hoopsie, annnz, Bankey, LordBidoof, McMingus, SeveNateNine, gabrielpoamaneagra, pms_headache, TaeChi, Ryaffio, oskode, Kabuki73
on 9. March 2024, 19:13 by Bankey
Fun puzzle. Thanks, @ Bert :).
on 8. March 2024, 22:57 by gdc
After publishing 2 chess related puzzles recently, I had to give this one a go. Very fun and not too hard.
on 8. March 2024, 21:35 by ashisstuff
love the concept, was very fun as well !
on 8. March 2024, 19:51 by Bert
Thanks guys for pointing that out I fixed the solution code.
on 8. March 2024, 19:49 by Bert
solution code fix