Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Arrows of Anti Chaos

(Published on 4. March 2024, 16:38 by Infinity_Gamers00)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Chaos Construction - Place the digits 1-9 into each row, column, and region. Regions are to be determined by the solver.

Arrow - Digits along an arrow must sum to the arrow's circle. Each part of the arrow must be in different regions.

Circles indicate the number of cells in that circle's region that it can see in its row and column including itself.

Clarification: the circle can't view past a border. Imagine the circle is viewing a room where the room is that region. The big arrow at column 1-3 counts as one arrow, so every part of the big arrow is in different regions.

Solve here:


Solution code: Row 1, then column 8

Last changed on on 4. March 2024, 17:17

Solved by Chad, yttrio, Dr Logic, fuxia, Gilliatt, marcmees, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Calvinball, agueybana, peterkp, Beanie, MaizeGator, by81996672, AvonD, Franjo, trashghost, flyjim, lmdemasi, kmoter, mercierus, Snookerfan, koba1917, dogfarts, Frutlop, SKORP17, ManuH, madhupt, Uhu, PippoForte, Calesch
Full list


on 5. March 2024, 18:27 by MaizeGator
Very enjoyable puzzle with an interesting ruleset.

I didn't read the clarification carefully enough and spent far too much time wondering whether r5c1 could possibly be in the same region as r4c2.

Read the rules carefully, prospective solvers! It will add to your enjoyment immensely.

on 5. March 2024, 00:58 by Infinity_Gamers00
@OhHeyGuysItsMax each individual cells

on 4. March 2024, 23:29 by marcmees
Rather easy cc, tough sudoku. I do agree with comments below. Nice. Thanks.

on 4. March 2024, 22:49 by OhHeyGuysItsMax
Does the arrow rule mean circles and the lines themselves must be in different regions, or does each individual cell need to be in a different region?

on 4. March 2024, 21:34 by fuxia
Very nice puzzle. Thanks for that. I'd point out that all circles, even those on arrows, are counting circles. I wasn't sure about that and used it only when I couldn't make further progress.

on 4. March 2024, 20:01 by Dr Logic
Really lovely puzzle, to echo the comment from yttrio i also struggled most with the Sudoku at the end haha! Beautiful setting :)

on 4. March 2024, 18:57 by yttrio
Great puzzle! The region building was fairly straightforward while still interesting, with the irregular Sudoku at the end the trickiest part for me (though it didn't help that I kept making bad deductions).

on 4. March 2024, 17:49 by Chad
Clever connections between the arrow clues and region construction. Very fun!

Rating:94 %
Solved:30 times
Observed:14 times

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