Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Three Islands

(Published on 3. March 2024, 21:35 by Sartor)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Cells a chess knights move apart cannot contain the same digit. Digits along a thermometer increase from the bulb end. Digits in Cages cannot repeat and must sum to the small clue in the top left corner of the cage.
Enjoy the Puzzle!
Solve with f-puzzles Solve with CtC

Solution code: Row 8 column 2

Solved by seeppp, idanz, sedici, Zandi, teuthida, Iluvsodah, Kversten, lmdemasi, apendleton, MontanaPearl, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Hajuhn, nmmc123, JohnDoeJersey, AvonD, ClarityC, itweb, Racteal, avishai, hearnicane, ... jadezki, Crul, Arec, kp0hyc, LordBidoof, BenClancy, flyjim, luuu, pms_headache, GhTheOne, dennischen, Doofenschmirtz, Unknown, Kupais, jalebc, MB_Cyclist, trashghost, Carolin, Koba, PippoForte
Full list


on 4. March 2024, 01:42 by apendleton
Neat interactions between the thermometers and the cages!

Rating:91 %
Solved:82 times
Observed:7 times

Standard puzzle

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