Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tetris Sum Line

(Published on 2. March 2024, 00:51 by Chad)

- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Cells separated by a white dot must contain consecutive digits.

- Fill the grid with tetrominoes such that every cell except r5c5 is part of a tetromino and no two tetrominoes of the same shape are orthogonally adjacent.

- Draw a single one-cell wide orthogonally connected snake running through each tetromino exactly once. The snake does not branch or touch itself even diagonally. The given circles mark the ends of the snake.

- The snake acts as a tetromino sum line. The digits along the snake within each tetromino must sum to the same number.

- Digits may not repeat within tetrominoes.

- Caged cells are not part of the snake and overlap with exactly one tetromino.

Solve here: SudokuPad

Solution code: row 3 then column 3

Last changed on on 2. March 2024, 01:57

Solved by The Book Wyrm, Snookerfan, Myxo, Tilberg, nuzzopa, dmm90, gfoot, sanabas, halakani, Infinity_Gamers00, PrimeWeasel, Paletron, timdorr, mortaxic, Martijn314, yttrio, peacherwu2, MagnusJosefsson, Agent, quantumquark1, pkp, lzjsy, Silverstep, bansalsaab, Nordy, Catashtrophe
Full list


on 21. August 2024, 00:17 by Nordy
Exceptionally beautiful! And not really that hard once you internalize all the rules

on 7. March 2024, 22:21 by yttrio
Incredible puzzle! At several points I was wondering how things could possibly resolve, but every time there managed to be a clever deduction hiding somewhere.

on 5. March 2024, 09:11 by PrimeWeasel
Excellent puzzle! Highly recommended

on 4. March 2024, 16:03 by Infinity_Gamers00
Very nice puzzle! There's a lot of great logic and deductions baked in the puzzle

on 2. March 2024, 23:27 by gfoot
Really well balanced, sometimes it was hard to spot what to do next, but it seemed obvious afterwards and there was great logic behind it

on 2. March 2024, 15:09 by Tilberg
Very nice! I loved some of the deductions in the second part of the solve. It's always a pleasure if a constructer is able to fit in so many gems that late in the solve.

on 2. March 2024, 15:00 by Myxo
Wow, absolutely brilliant!

on 2. March 2024, 13:17 by Snookerfan
Incredible puzzle! Extremely hard to draw in the snake and the tetrominos and after that the Sudoku is still challenging. Very clever and beautiful. Thank you

on 2. March 2024, 11:43 by Chad
@aspirin_waffle yes

on 2. March 2024, 07:01 by aspirin_waffle
Just to clarify - are rotated/reflected tetrominoes considered the same shape?

on 2. March 2024, 01:57 by Chad
updated difficulty

Rating:98 %
Solved:26 times
Observed:11 times

Standard puzzle Tetrominoes

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