Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Repeats Somedoku

(Published on 29. February 2024, 14:35 by blackjackfitz)


This is somedoku #1. Check out the rest of the puzzles in the somedoku series.


  • Place digits from 1-9 in every cell. For every row 'n' or column 'n' there are exactly 'n' unique digits present. The remaining cells are filled with repeated digits. e.g. Row 3 could be filled (1,2,7,1,2,7,7,7,7).
  • Whisper: Adjacent digits on a green line must differ by at least 5.
  • Renban: Digits on a pink line form a consecutive set (without repeats), but may appear in any order.
  • Dominoes: Digits separated by a: Black Dot form a 1 to 2 ratio, White Dot are consecutive, Red Diamond have the same parity (i.e. both odd or both even), X sum to 10, and V sum to 5.

I hope you enjoy it, if you do please leave a comment below!

Solution code: Column 6 from top to bottom.

Last changed on on 10. September 2024, 22:21

Solved by Ephen, mcc, Smoncko, teuthida, Bjd, agueybana, abadx, jkuo7, fajoogaloo, goodcity, Briks, heckmanity, nervyplant, Al Fresco, chris3by3, redgecko, palpot, pms_headache, Altynbek , TaeChi, meowme, ... ryanprobably, widjo, sockerbecca, oskode, Cypher, brimmy, BHUNTER47, danroberts, johncj, gxorgx, Elker, Zeddecks, misko, Ton, Drewpacabra, PkmnQ, Jastucreudo, Andrewmi3, dickey, laquartetfan
Full list


Last changed on 14. March 2024, 21:12

on 14. March 2024, 19:59 by geronimo92
Digits on a renban line cant repeat, it has to be said in the ruleset !
~BJF: @geronimo92 Sorry if that caused confusion, i've clarified in the puzzle description. I had assumed the formation of a consecutive set covered that. But I can see how being explicit there is helpful, especially given the context of this puzzle.

Last changed on 10. March 2024, 02:50

on 9. March 2024, 18:10 by St9
Does "parity" mean high verses low or odd verses even?

- @St9 it means odd even, I'll clarify in the rules.

on 6. March 2024, 08:56 by fajoogaloo
Very fun puzzle. I would love to see this ruleset become a more regular variant

on 3. March 2024, 23:55 by abadx
definitely a 3 star puzzle. Really nice concept

Rating:91 %
Solved:79 times
Observed:15 times

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