The Attlerock
(Published on 24. February 2024, 15:01 by 99%Sneaky)
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the attached circle.
- Digits separated by an X sum to 10. Digits separated by an V sum to 5. Not all Xs and Vs are given.
- Digits in a grey square are even.
- Digits within a cell with arrows facing inward must be less than all of their orthogonal neighbors. Digits within a cell with arrows facing outward must be greater than all of their orthogonal neighbors.
- Digits along the palindrome read the same forwards and backwards.
- Digits along the thermometer strictly increase from the bulb end.
- Digits on lines connecting large white circles must lie between the circled digits numerically.
Play on SudokuPad/CTC App
Solution code: Row 6 followed by column 3.
Solved by StefanSch, Megalobrainiac, tuturitu, lmdemasi, pms_headache, sedici, OutOfMyMindBRB, SKORP17, A Mehdi, apendleton, nmmc123, AvonD, Twan2797, Philologos, Asphodel, jkl, palpot, Chelo, slowbiex, ... jalebc, ArnulfKoch, EFlatMinor, heliopolix , Innocuous, Geb, Carolin, Jodelbanane, QuiltyAsCharged, joelth, strangelyinsane, Drewpacabra, Fasdr, HumanBirdsong, lovely, PippoForte, finger, dendrobium
Last changed on 14. April 2024, 14:40on 1. March 2024, 02:48 by apcostel15
Is Esker hanging out on the thermometer? Hahaha
Whistler on the Hammock :)
Last changed on 28. February 2024, 20:25on 26. February 2024, 20:15 by PinkNickels
Exceptional setting! What a fulfilling solve! Thanks a lot!
Thanks so much!
Last changed on 28. February 2024, 20:25on 24. February 2024, 17:00 by lmdemasi
A very satisfying solve!