Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Smoke and Mirrors

(Published on 22. February 2024, 20:05 by gdc)

This puzzle combines mirrored digits by Christounet, rellik cages by sujoyku and shenanigans by Jay Dyer. Mirrored cells act as modifiers and change the constraint type. See below for a 4x4 example puzzle.

  • Irregular Sudoku rules apply. Place 1-9 once in every row, column and region.
  • The grid is covered in fog. Placing correct digits reveals new clues.
  • In black killer cages digits don't repeat and values sum to the indicated total.
  • Red cages are rellik cages (digits don't repeat, no combination of values sums to the indicated total, e.g. an 8 cage can't contain 8, 17 or 125).
  • Pink lines are renban lines (values are contiguous with no repeats).
  • Sauerkraut lines are nabner lines (values can't repeat or be consecutive).
  • Nine cells (one in each row, column and region) are mirror cells. Each digit 1-9 appears in a mirror cell.
  • A digit in a mirror cell takes the value opposite its digit on the 1-9 scale. (In other words, 1 takes the vale of 9, 2 the value of 8 ... 9 the value of 1).
  • Clues with a mirror cell are read backwards (renban becomes nabner, killer becomes rellik and vice versa).
  • Lines do not branch or share cells with other lines.

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4x4 Example Puzzle

Here is a filled grid that satisfies the rules mentioned above. Mirrored cells are highlighted in blue. The 4 in R3C4 must repeat in R4C1 because otherwise, the L-shaped regions would not contain each digit exactly once. All clues that don't contain a mirrored digit act normally. The 8-rellik cage turns into an 8 killer with values 4+4 because the mirror of 1 is 4. One renban line contains two fours which form a valid nabner line with values 1 and 4. the killer cage at the bottom contains the value 3 twice (3 is the mirror of 2). The nabner on the top turns into a renban with values 1 and 2. Note that cages can have repeated values and lines can have repeated digits but not the other way around.

Solution code: Column 7 top to bottom (9 digits)

Solved by Christounet, Scojo, heliopolix , palpot, Myxo, SKORP17, jkuo7, apothycus, logik66, itweb, gfoot, lutzreimer, Kallor, h5663454, KyubiBoy, lmdemasi, Smoncko, kublai, ezil6.4, Wan00, ViKingPrime, ThePedallingPianist, Ratfinkz, marty_sears, saskia-daniela, Kekes, SamuPiano, jalebc, Sewerin, Geb, Flinty, vitaminz, Raistlen, oregan0, Roezaea, bansalsaab, PippoForte, widjo
Full list


Last changed on 31. May 2024, 05:04

on 31. May 2024, 05:04 by Roezaea
good lord, that was hard!

on 8. May 2024, 15:18 by oregan0
hour long solve. good

on 2. May 2024, 20:24 by vitaminz
Great puzzle as always gdc!

on 24. April 2024, 10:00 by Geb
Some quite novel thinking required to solve this one. That's certainly a good bit of exercise for the brain!

on 26. March 2024, 04:10 by SamuPiano
Amazing puzzle and combination ruleset!

Last changed on 3. March 2024, 02:16

on 3. March 2024, 02:15 by marty_sears
This was fantastic! Highly elegant fogwork as we have come to expect from gdc, and quite a few fun surprises to be uncovered. Took me a little while to get my head round the multiple overlapping rules, but once I did, the rewards were numerous

on 3. March 2024, 02:03 by Ratfinkz
Some stunning logic here! Enjoyed the group solve, thank you

on 3. March 2024, 02:01 by ViKingPrime
Quite the challenge! Well set (and a beautiful title to boot).

on 23. February 2024, 16:05 by gfoot
I enjoyed this, but found it very challenging even towards the end, irregular sudoku is quite hard for me

on 22. February 2024, 20:23 by Myxo
Very nice! Left me wanting for more with this ruleset.

on 22. February 2024, 20:21 by Christounet
(: sknahT ! eno siht gnitset deyojnE

Rating:90 %
Solved:38 times
Observed:7 times

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