Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 20. February 2024, 13:20 by ThePedallingPianist)

I was torn between 4* and 5* for this puzzle's difficulty as it's certainly not a walk in the park, and erred on the side of 4* because I've definitely made plenty of much harder puzzles. I also didn't originally include the given 9, and the puzzle is just about possible without it, so after my incredibly rare generosity of actually giving a not-strictly-necessary digit, there was no way I could rate it 5*!

And yes, I'm aware that two of the lines are entirely useless. But how could I resist the rainbow spiral?

Play on SudokuPad

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Region borders divide lines into line segments. On each line, the sum of each line segment must strictly ascend from one end to another.

White dots join consecutive digits.

Solution code: Row 5, left to right

Last changed on on 20. February 2024, 14:03

Solved by fopkovic, vollbesonderbar, A Mehdi, halakani, bansalsaab, palpot, gynu, StefanSch, sanabas, Bjd, imhesham, SKORP17, Hazem-77, peacherwu2, marty_sears, thetiredsaint, OGRussHood, gdc, Myxo, Default, karlmortenlunna, Silverstep, rich_27, SeveNateNine, steeto, Uhu
Full list


on 9. May 2024, 00:31 by Silverstep
without the given 9 this would have been a 6-star. as it is it's probably a fine 5-star puzzle, and one with heavy algebra at that :)

on 17. March 2024, 20:40 by Myxo
Intricate and lovely.

on 29. February 2024, 15:51 by peacherwu2

on 29. February 2024, 00:33 by Hazem-77
Very cool puzzle, thanks!

on 22. February 2024, 12:49 by sanabas
The given 9 certainly makes it easier to get started. Enjoyed that a lot.

Rating:95 %
Solved:26 times
Observed:11 times

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