Genetic Yin Yang
(Published on 19. February 2024, 09:02 by Scojo)
- Normal sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.
- Thermometers: Along each thermometer, digits must increase from bulb to tip.
- Yin Yang: Shade some cells so that all shaded cells are orthogonally connected and all unshaded cells are also orthogonally connected. No 2x2 area may be entirely shaded or unshaded. All thermometers must be shaded.
Genetics Rules:
- Each digit has two properties. The first property is being shaded or unshaded according to Yin Yang rules. The second property is being low (1,2,3), medium (4,5,6) or high (7,8,9).
- Each cell that is directly connected to two cells in the row above it by a pink line is considered a child of those two cells (the parents).
- Each child can be formed by taking a property of one parent and taking the other property of the other parent.
- For example: If a child has parents that are a shaded 2 and an unshaded 5, the child could either be a shaded 4, 5, or 6, or it could be an unshaded 1, 2, or 3. If a child has parents that are a shaded 8 and a shaded 6, the child will be shaded either way, and could be any digit from 4-9.
Solve in SudokuPad
Solution code: All unshaded digits in row 7
Solved by marnieseparovich, sanabas, akamchinjir, drbs, jkuo7, Fizz, GoogleEnPassant, killer_rectangle, palpot, Lion Crow, Baklin, LehanLehan, lepton, agueybana, Linnce, lmdemasi, ZornsLemon, tobymgk, Kupais, ... elpadrinoIV, Luaryo, MaNCS, Andrewmi3, emilyble21, RubberMittens, trashghost, Askloomok, XIAOYING, pillowss, LeweLotki, Emmilja, codewizard, dpatti, gxorgx, abadx, PippoForte, karlmortenlunna
on 6. May 2024, 14:02 by codewizard
Genius! Really fun.
on 14. March 2024, 23:45 by emilyble21
That was quite the challenge, but one I am glad I took! The logic was fresh and very rewarding. I couldn't help but consider the implications of this family tree though, haha!
on 21. February 2024, 14:11 by LehanLehan
What a beautiful puzzle, a great pleasure to solve. Thank you very much.
on 20. February 2024, 06:38 by Lion Crow
This puzzle had me mesmerised. I might go and try my own family tree now.
on 19. February 2024, 13:32 by Fizz
That was a nice combination of rulesets, thanks for the fun puzzle!
on 19. February 2024, 12:33 by drbs
Typically, I favor puzzles with concise and easily grasped rules. Yet, this one appeared intriguing to me, and truly, it was.