Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rellik Galaxies

(Published on 9. February 2024, 15:00 by TripleABattery)

This puzzle is inspired by Sujoyku's "Reliably Unreliable" and my love for spiral galaxy puzzles. Thank you very much to the CTC discord community for testing this for me and giving me some pointers. I hope you enjoy :)

Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column and 3x3 box.
Every cell is part of a 'rellik galaxy, which is a 180° rotationally symmetric set of at least 2 orthogonally connected cells, no subset of which may contain digits summing to the size of the rellik galaxy and digits do not repeat in a rellik galaxy (for example, if r5c1, r5c2, r6c2, r6c3 was a rellik galaxy, it would be of size 4 and could therefore not contain a 4 or both 1 and 3).
Rellik galaxies do not overlap, and rellik galaxies of the same size may not touch orthogonally (but may touch diagonally).
A number in the top left corner of a cell gives the sum of the digits in the rellik galaxy it is a part of.
All but one of the white dots are the centers of rotation of a rellik galaxy; the other separates consecutive digits. Not all rellik galaxy centers are given and which dot is not a center must be deduced by the solver.

Play in SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 4 from left to right without spaces.

Last changed on -

Solved by sanabas, gdc, trashghost, TeamSchmidt, apothycus, AzureFire, Snookerfan, halakani, Jds2, Franjo, purpl, jkuo7, vollbesonderbar, DiMono, dogfarts, cybers, Drewpacabra, Silverstep
Full list


on 6. December 2024, 05:45 by Silverstep
Nice idea to combine fillomino and galaxies. The ending flows nicely. Final time 64:58

on 15. September 2024, 04:11 by cybers
Phew, that was tough - but well constructed!

on 10. February 2024, 15:04 by Snookerfan
Good puzzle! I gave it a second try after totally getting stuck for a long time and this time I made it till the end. Very hard constraint to do logic without making notes, as mentioned by sanabas. Therefore I rated it 5 stars. Thank you

on 9. February 2024, 20:13 by sanabas
Interesting puzzle, fun to do. Drawing the galaxies is reasonably straightforward, just need to pay careful attention to possibilities. The killer is a bit fiddly with the restrictions, scanning wasn't intuitive so ended up marking everything.

Rating:84 %
Solved:18 times
Observed:10 times

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