Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Doppler Effect

(Published on 1. February 2024, 00:14 by Knickolas)

Rules: Normal sudoku rules apply.

Galaxies: The grid contains two rotationally symmetric and orthogonally connected galaxies centered on the middle cell. All cells must be part of a galaxy. The galaxies may only ever overlap at their centers. No 2x2 area may be fully part of 1 galaxy.

Red/Blue Shift: One of the galaxies is “redshifted” and cells on it have a value of one greater than their digit. The other galaxy is “blueshifted” and cells on it have a value of one less than their digit.

Arrows: Values along an arrow sum to the value in that arrow’s circle.

Killer Cages: Values in a cage sum to the given total. Digits may not repeat in a cage, but values may.

-CtC App

I hope you enjoy!

Solution code: Row 8

Solved by sanabas, ryagami, wand, Isael, vorash00, fopkovic, Jrosas, ridesdragons, Lithusei, Xaina, Vebby, samuel1997, onbu, fjam, Fool on Hill, tome_coelho, OGRussHood, fernandokm, jkuo7, mew_rocks, mse326, ... juventino188, SKORP17, arauwer, MrQubo, Leilalu222, Calesch, ZornsLemon, quantumquark1, BlueShifted, SudokuHero, Uhu, Hazem-77, michaal94, PippoForte, tinounou, karlmortenlunna, Cialoh, codewizard
Full list


on 25. February 2024, 03:05 by BlueShifted
Brilliant!!!.. I think my name shows how much I appreciate this puzzle.. thanks a lot

on 1. February 2024, 15:41 by fopkovic
Brilliant setting and quite tricky. Never seen this idea with shifted galaxies, sometimes difficult to keep the counting correct. Thanks for sharing.

on 1. February 2024, 15:07 by vorash00
Super interesting.

I don’t often complete 4 stars so this was a challenge for me and every time I got stuck I was just asking the wrong questions for far too long (sometimes embarrassingly long). Each time I got the right question it was a simple straight forward question there was nothing difficult provided you could ask the right things and you kept track carefully of values.

on 1. February 2024, 13:31 by wand
really enjoyed this one! two criss-crossing galaxies! one of the weirder spiral galaxy sudokus I've done

on 1. February 2024, 02:02 by sanabas
Loved that one. Took a little bit to prove to myself how normal yin/yang colouring constraints would change. The steps where the cages forced the colouring were amazing. And then once the colouring was finished, a fun killer/arrow to do, just need to be very careful not to make an error on the arrows.

Rating:96 %
Solved:43 times
Observed:10 times

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