Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Bomb Sudoku #3

(Published on 31. January 2024, 20:45 by Rotstein)

This is the third Bomb Sudoku, try the first by clicking here
Try the second by clicking here
-Normal sudoku rules apply
-Cells with an arrow are "bomb-throwers"
-An arrow tells the direction where the "bomb" goes
-Digit on bomb-thrower tell where in the grid its "bomb" lands
-Digit on bomb-thrower cannot be the same as cells connected to where its bomb lands (orthogonally or diagonally)
Example:If R1C9 is a 8, its bomb lands in R1C1 (8 cells to the left), then R2C1 and R2C2 could not contain a 8
-Red cells mean that a second bomb is thrown at a different direction (the other direction is to be deduced)
-Bombs cannot be thrown diagonally
- ALL arrows and red cells are given (i.e. These restrictions cannot appear anywhere else in the grid)
Example: Since R2C3 does not contain an arrow, it cannot be a 2, because it would rule out R1C1, R1C2, R3C1 and R3C2 from being a 2 and therefore R2C3 with a 2 in it would have to contain an arrow pointing left
-The inequality sign shows which cell has the higher digit (digit on R1C5 is higher than in R1C6, R4C7 is higher than R5C7, and R5C4 is higher than R5C5)
You can try this puzzle in your browser by clicking in the link below
Bomb-Sudoku #3
Sudoku pad option thanks to @sanabas: Bomb-Sudoku #3
Enjoy the puzzle!

Solution code: Row 1 and Row 5

Last changed on on 19. February 2024, 21:27

Solved by sanabas, AzureFire, marcmees, SudokuExplorer, wdaley1
Full list


on 19. February 2024, 21:27 by Rotstein
changed word mispelled

Last changed on 2. February 2024, 19:14

on 2. February 2024, 19:14 by marcmees
surprisingly easy remains extremely tricky.Thanks for this very nice series.

on 1. February 2024, 01:29 by Rotstein
Added sudokupad solver link

on 1. February 2024, 00:49 by sanabas
Turns out to be surprisingly easy once you understand how the rules work. The negative constraint does a lot of work.

Last changed on 1. February 2024, 00:35

on 1. February 2024, 00:21 by sanabas
I'm not familiar with penpa, but the link seems to be to a construction mode with the ability to edit constraints, rather than a solution mode. I made a sudokupad link for it: http://tinyurl.com/yltuvdxl

I'm assuming that bombs can't be thrown off the grid? e.g. r4c5 being an 8 isn't allowed?

Also a red cell can't throw three bombs, so if you know two directions, you can use the negative constraint on the third/fourth directions?

on 31. January 2024, 21:55 by Rotstein
@lidawer what do you mean? It's working for me, maybe you're unfamiliar with penpa editor?

on 31. January 2024, 21:08 by lidawer
The link given isn't for solving

Solved:5 times
Observed:6 times

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