Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

White Circle Galaxies

(Published on 30. January 2024, 22:14 by mathpesto)


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Divide the grid into galaxies (regions of orthogonally connected cells). Digits may not repeat within a galaxy. Each circle belongs to exactly one galaxy, and that galaxy is rotationally symmetric around it. All galaxy centers are given.

Each circle has an additional property:

A white circle within a cell contains a digit equal to the size of its galaxy.

A white circle on the edge of two cells joins two consecutive digits (i.e. kropki).

A white circle at the intersection of four cells has those digits appear in those four cells (i.e. quad).

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Solution code: Column 9 (top to bottom)

Solved by AnalyticalNinja , Fool on Hill, mnasti2, blackjackfitz, Ancaeus, LehanLehan, ozgaz, Mr_tn, Vebby, jkuo7, Sonki, jhsa, pookster, wand, zuzanina, b413x, samuel1997, cam, gynu, Vodakhan , mihel111, ... StephenR, Krisonium, Chilly, Willy Wonka, Abbott Abbott, abadx, Uhu, Leoninus, Mikemerin, tobymgk, Fizz, sorryimLate, sinamon, Calesch, jordanza, diziet, qoala, Llamaths, jadezki, SudokuHero
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on 1. September 2024, 10:29 by StephenR
Nice, thanks. Finding the galaxies seemed straightforward, but then the dreaded sudoku took me rather longer.

on 16. February 2024, 09:05 by ninjamunk
Absolutely love galaxies. And I really liked how this puzzle combines galaxies with the circle clues. Well done!

on 7. February 2024, 09:38 by Debba
This puzzle was so much fun! Many thanks for sharing.

Last changed on 1. February 2024, 17:07

on 1. February 2024, 13:23 by marcmees
Q: all cells in the grid belong to a galaxy?


Yes -Math Pesto

on 1. February 2024, 00:36 by GeorgeTheToad2
Enjoyed the galaxy building. Then the fun starts. Took a long time in the middle but it finishes very smoothly. Thank you for setting and sharing this wonderful puzzle.

on 31. January 2024, 22:25 by GameWorksRP
Especially building the galaxies was fun, sorting all the digits was tough and not always very clear, but gave a rewarding finish!

on 31. January 2024, 05:31 by blackjackfitz
Very nice. Clever use of the different kinds of circles. The galaxy building was great fun, the sorting of the digits was tough but fair and rewarding.

on 30. January 2024, 22:38 by Fool on Hill
I enjoyed solving this one - a couple of trickier points, I think. Somehow spiral galaxies are of the moment, and this is a really nice example, with the clues interacting cleverly and efficiently.

on 30. January 2024, 22:36 by AnalyticalNinja
Now this was just lovely. I didn't always immediately see where the next step was, but it was always there waiting for me to catch up. Brilliant and approachable, very well set. Thanks for sharing Mathpesto! :)

Rating:95 %
Solved:113 times
Observed:12 times

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