Fortune Cookie
f-puzzles link:
CtC link:
Solution code: Column 9
on 3. February 2024, 13:22 by Snookerfan
Very nice. Hard to start, but smooth afterwards. Thank you
on 3. February 2024, 03:21 by shteev
Neat rules, and a fun solve, especially at the start!
on 3. February 2024, 00:16 by SKORP17
Adjacent digits =
diagonal and orthogonal ?
on 30. January 2024, 05:09 by apendleton
Fun puzzle! Clever deductions throughout.
on 30. January 2024, 05:05 by bansalsaab
Loved it. Took me a while to realize the breakin but it was fun process.
on 30. January 2024, 04:42 by rameshsrivats
Very very nice puzzle. And smooth all the way.