Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

180° /5

(Published on 29. January 2024, 11:49 by RockyRoer)

The Rules:

  1. Normal sudoku rules apply. Fill every row, column, and 3x3 box with digits from 1-9.
  2. [Rotational Pairs]Cells rotated 180° from each other must sum to either 5, 10, or 15.
  3. [X, V, Kropki]: Normal xv and kropki rules apply - not all x's, v's, or dots have been given.
    • Cells separated by x sum to 10
    • Cells separated by v sum to 5
    • Cells separated by a black dot are 2:1 ratio
    • Cells separated by a white dot have a difference of 1

The Puzzle:

Try it on CTC with answer check

Solution code: Row 4

Solved by StefanSch, two_halves1, OhHeyGuysItsMax, onbu, SKORP17, Ragna, talia_fr0st, Vebby, nordloc, SenatorGronk, halakani, Franjo, bansalsaab, AvonD, Dentones, akamchinjir, flipout, davidxxy, dtoto, karen_birgitta, SEPHEN, Blake Saligia, dendrobium, PippoForte, jinkela114514
Full list


Last changed on 30. January 2024, 20:22

on 30. January 2024, 15:20 by SenatorGronk
Really liked this one, but gotta say I found it much tougher than 3 stars even though I've made a puzzle that relies on the same conceit about pairs of digits summing to a multiple of 5: https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=000DFG

Reply: Sorry for underestimating difficulty -- it's always so hard to do. I intended people to shade this with two different colors -- one for 1469 and one for 2378, and even though you don't know which colors which, you can shade almost everything before it reveals itself a bit. I didn't know that strategy when I saw your puzzle a while ago, so now that I know it, I should go back and take a second look!

Thanks for the solve!

with mine I think 4 colors would be better because of the negative constraint. I think I made life more difficult w yours because I was coloring both low/high within a set as well as complementary pairs.

Rating:88 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:10 times

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