Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Lets us watch some tv.

(Published on 11. March 2024, 12:00 by kierownik)

  1. Normal 9x9 sudoku rules apply: In every row, column and in every 3x3 box the digits from 1 to 9 have to appear atleast once with no repeats.
  2. Dutch whisper lines: Two cells connected by a Dutch whisper line must have a difference of at least 4.
  3. German whisper lines: Two cells connected by a German whisper line must have a difference of at least 5.
  4. Odd: Cells with grey circles must contain ODD digit.
  5. Ratio kropki: Cells with a black kropki between them are in a ratio of 1 to 2.Wich means you have the following posibilities, 1-2, 2-4, 4-8 and 3-6.
  6. XV-pairs: Cells joined by an X or V must sum to 10(X) or 5(V).

Sirxemic’s Sudokumaker   Sven's Sudokupad

Have fun in playing the puzzle and leave a kind message :-]
Streamers may use all my puzzles.

Solution code: Row 3 and 7. Left to right.

Last changed on -

Solved by jalebc, Fizz, kkli, sujoyku, Raistlen, zhangjinyang, Nagesh, ludvigr04, pepe74287, PinkNickels, Matti64, Nicholas Roberts, Uhu, keenbowl, Solved647, maniacaljackal, SKORP17, Mathemagier, joojMaxter, ... appletrapezoid, timww572, Zarlino, Markos95, Roberto, athenaria, Azvaril, flaemmchen, hsimah, nunc, CcmarvMD, BlackApolloX, augsod, rsadri, Vegan_warior, PippoForte, asii, jhuijts, snuuba
Full list


on 12. March 2024, 20:04 by Archon
Huh, I was thinking the circle was a mono speaker grill. Ah well, these things always require a bit of interpretation. :)

on 11. March 2024, 21:21 by s1mn
Love it! Great puzzle and a fun theme.

on 11. March 2024, 14:53 by kierownik
Yes, the on button :-D

on 11. March 2024, 12:54 by sujoyku
Thank you for this nice puzzle, kierownik! At the end, I thought for a brief moment I had reached a deadly pattern which was not the case, but resolved in a rather nice way. Just one thing: Is the grey circle meant as the "on"-button? From a pure puzzle perspective, it is not necessary for the solve.
Thanks again for setting and sharing this fun puzzle!

Rating:88 %
Solved:137 times
Observed:14 times

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