Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Réaltraí (Pentominous spiral galaxies/Fillomino)

(Published on 27. January 2024, 20:19 by dumediat)

This is a puzzle that I created for mathpesto's birthday, and they were gracious enough to suggest that I publish it here to share with all of you. Ratings, comments, and feedback are much appreciated! Please feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you have any comments or questions. Please also feel free to try my other puzzles here.


  • Fillomino: Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells such that no two regions of the same size share an edge, except for pentominoes (ie, five cell regions). Enter a number into each cell equal to the size of its region.
  • Pentominous spiral galaxies: Gray dots represent the centers of galaxies, which are groups of orthogonally connected, non-overlapping pentominoes. Each galaxy is 180° rotationally symmetric around its center dot. Galaxies may not touch one another orthogonally but may touch diagonally. Galaxies may have 'holes' (including at their centers) provided they follow all other rules. Not all cells in the grid belong to a galaxy, but all pentominoes are in galaxies. All dots are given (ie, there are exactly 4 galaxies in the grid).
  • No pentomino shape is used more than once, counting rotations and reflections as the same.
  • Numbers placed on arrows refer to the total number of pentominoes seen in the indicated direction(s) to the edge of the grid. If a cell with multiple arrows points to the same pentomino more than once, that pentomino is only counted once toward the cell's total.

Penpa+: http://tinyurl.com/ywpqujtg

SudokuPad: https://sudokupad.app/5zd9bxlj15

Solution code: Row 9, replacing any 5s with the letter of the pento shape that cell belongs to (selected from FILNPTUVWXYZ)

Solved by wisty, mathpesto, tuturitu, mnasti2, Christounet, MagnusJosefsson, sth, Jesper, Mr_tn, nottabird, johnyzzh, misko, filuta, Niverio, Myxo, MicroStudy, Bellsita, Paletron, halakani, ascension, h5663454, jkuo7, imhesham, OGRussHood, Uhu, quantumquark1, madhupt, goodcity, MaizeGator, LeiZ123321, Agent, puzzler05, zzw, TheZwierz, Sewerin, dogfarts, Lyun Licuss, ns08
Full list


on 30. May 2024, 18:11 by zzw
Wonderful puzzle! Very nice ruleset combination, and lots of fun!

on 28. April 2024, 01:39 by Agent
Very nice puzzle! Quite smooth once you understand all the implications of the rules.

on 25. April 2024, 18:02 by LeiZ123321
very interesting puzzle! it was very smooth and fun to solve :)

on 27. March 2024, 19:45 by goodcity
After playing mathpesto's LITSomino, I had to give a try to one of the inspirational puzzle. And what a great one! I had a big realization late in the solve which might have eased the solve.
Thanks for sharing!

on 22. March 2024, 23:55 by madhupt
Brutal, but what fun! Thanks a lot for sharing.

on 19. February 2024, 19:10 by h5663454
84 minutes…

Ha- This puzzle is indeed difficult, but after solving it, I once again felt the relaxation and refreshment of "like a tense nerve suddenly relaxing".

All in all, thank you for bringing it to us, and thank you for giving me a nice bedtime experience.

on 17. February 2024, 20:28 by ascension
This is a fantastic puzzle! It's rated 100% as I write this, and it deserves to stay that way. I especially enjoyed the novel logic that emerged from this combination of rulesets.

If this was the second puzzle I solved with this ruleset, I wouldn't rate it as 5 stars difficulty. After appreciating the implications of the rules, I found the solve to be rather smooth.

on 4. February 2024, 22:19 by Myxo
Using the symmetry leads to a very elegant and fun path! Awesome puzzle!

on 3. February 2024, 17:06 by filuta
Very original and fun puzzle, certainly not too hard, but my brain surely wasn't ready for some of the deductions.

on 30. January 2024, 16:20 by Jesper
Great puzzle, thanks!

on 29. January 2024, 11:26 by MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle, very fun combination!

on 29. January 2024, 00:01 by Christounet
Yes ! Super nice ! Finding the right balance for the pentomino configuration was very interesting. And of course a belated HBD to mathpesto. Thanks :)

on 27. January 2024, 22:00 by mathpesto
What a fantastic gift! I'm so glad you're sharing it here for others to enjoy. There was such a wide variety of logic throughout this puzzle, and lots of stuff I hadn't encountered before! A blast from start to finish :)

Rating:100 %
Solved:38 times
Observed:5 times

Variant combination Online solving tool Dissection puzzle Pentominoes

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