Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Build Your Own Nuri-Maze #2: Oddsweeper Square

(Published on 26. January 2024, 20:13 by Myxo)

The second entry in this series is a bit of an oddity. Most of these will be combinations of Nuri-Maze and basic pencil puzzle genres, while this one is on a Latin Square and has more complex rules. Make sure to read the rules carefully, and watch out for the negative constraints. Enjoy!


Latin Square: Fill the grid with digits 1-9, such that no digit repeats in any row or column.

Nuri-Maze: Shade some cells to form a maze. Circles cannot be shaded. There can not be a 2x2 square of all shaded or all unshaded cells. For each pair of unshaded cells, there is exactly one path of edge-adjacent unshaded cells connecting them, i.e. all unshaded cells form an orthogonally contiguous area without any loops.

Interaction: All shaded cells contain even digits and all unshaded cells contain odd digits. White circles must be part of the path from S to G, and digits inside white circles are greater than all their edge-adjacent neighbours. Grey circles must not be part of the path from S to G, and digits inside grey circles are smaller than all their edge-adjacent neighbours. All valid white and grey circles are given.

Oddsweepers: Digits in squares count the number of odd digits in the (at most) 3x3 square surrounding the clued cell, including itself. All valid squares are given.


Solution code: row 7 and row 8

Last changed on on 25. February 2024, 14:30

Solved by dumediat, MicroStudy, zzw, Lizzy01, simoons, filuta, Jesper, Piatato, ONeill, fjam, Mr_tn, h5663454, jkuo7, Silverstep, TheZwierz, widjo, Andrewsarchus, filmore
Full list


on 23. December 2024, 08:14 by Andrewsarchus
My first solve of a Nuri-Maze.
Great puzzle with a variety of interesting deductions!

on 5. February 2024, 03:22 by ONeill
Very nice, tough beginning for me though!

on 1. February 2024, 21:36 by Piatato
Talking about not very hard puzzles with intense scanning ... very nice one!

on 30. January 2024, 16:16 by Jesper
Very nice, looking forward to the rest of the series :)

on 27. January 2024, 12:03 by Lizzy01
Wow, this is complicated, but very nice!

on 27. January 2024, 02:23 by zzw
Awesome puzzle! Took a while to wrap my head around all the implications of the rules, especially the negative constraints. But once I did, it was a very rewarding puzzle with lots of interesting steps.

on 26. January 2024, 22:24 by MicroStudy

on 26. January 2024, 20:25 by dumediat
Maybe not advisable to solve this as one's first nuri-maze like I did, but it was a lot of fun nonetheless! XD

Rating:93 %
Solved:18 times
Observed:5 times

Variant combination Online solving tool Shading puzzle Latin Square

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