Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Counting the Hours

(Published on 26. January 2024, 04:31 by juggler)

Play on SudokuPad

Normal sudoku rules apply.

COUNTING CIRCLES: A digit in a circle indicates how many times that digits appears in any circle.

ANTI-KING: Cells a king's move apart cannot have the same digit.

CLOCKS: The three cages represent clocks, which are all displaying the same time.
- A 24-hour digital clock with the format [HH:MM]
- A 12-hour digital clock with the format [H:MM].
- An analogue clock. The hour hand points to a circle representing the hour, and the minute hand points to a circle representing the minute. The circle(s) pointed to are the only ones showing the number that would appear in that position on an actual clock.

Example: if it were 8:45, the hour hand would point to R6C3 which would have an 8, and the minute hand would point to R5C3 which would have a 9.

ALARM CLOCKS: The grey squares are 24-hour digital alarm clocks with format |mͪmͪ|. They are set to ring 55 minutes apart from each other.

Solution code: Row 9

Last changed on on 20. February 2024, 20:46

Solved by echidna, lulu614, itweb, Megalobrainiac, halakani, Bankey, SenatorGronk, XeonRisq, ashisstuff, Kawkaz, sanabas, andreatetta, ancarro, h4kun4m4t4t4, AvonD, Al Fresco, goodcity, snowyegret, pisiform, PippoForte, SKORP17, bansalsaab, lovely, widjo, randall, Mikemerin
Full list


Last changed on 16. February 2024, 03:51

on 31. January 2024, 20:15 by mrjide80
I think there's something in the rules I don't understand. Because how can you have a 12-hour clock with only 1H number and then a 24-hour clock with 2H numbers that would put a zero in the first slot?
juggler: maybe try a time later in the day?

on 26. January 2024, 23:43 by Kawkaz
Highly entertaining puzzle, recommend all to give it a try.
It wasn't easy, but I felt I never really got stuck, amazing flow.

on 26. January 2024, 23:00 by ashisstuff
love how this unfolds alongside the unstated implications of the rules :)

on 26. January 2024, 15:18 by Bankey
Very creative use of clocks and circles. Thanks for the fun puzzle, @ juggler :).

on 26. January 2024, 06:50 by MonsieurTRISTE
What if the minute hand or the hour hand does not point to a number, like if the time is 8:46 then both minute hand and hour hand point to somewhere between the numbers, then, I may assume, that none of the 12 circles show the correct number?

Rating:88 %
Solved:26 times
Observed:11 times

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