Pretty happy of the logic in this one. Should be between 2,5 and 3 stars of difficulty, but I rated it 3 just in case.
You can think at this puzzle as a sequel of Little thirsty vampires. I’m planning to make at least a third puzzle in the series, sooner or later.
Fill the grid with the numbers from 1 to 9 so that in each row, column, and 3x3 block each digit occurs exactly once.
Digits along an arrow must sum to that arrow's circled digit.
Digits outside the grid are skyscraper clues. They give the number of digits in the row or column the clue 'sees'. Digits obscure equal or smaller digits from vision.
The pink circles in the grid are vampires: they take exactly one sip of blood from an orthogonally adjacent cell. For clues purposes (arrows and skyscrapers), vampire cells count as increased by exactly one and the taken cells count as decreased by exactly one. Vampires cannot bite other vampires. Two vampires can't bite the same cell.
Vampires in town is also available online on CTC-App.
Have fun solving and please leave a comment after your solve!
Solution code: Column 4, top to bottom (9 digits)
on 10. October 2024, 20:49 by The Book Wyrm
Fun puzzle. Requires some thought about the options created by the vampires, but not too hard.
on 10. October 2024, 16:44 by damasosos92
Added Modifier Cells tag
on 30. April 2024, 19:35 by Playmaker6174
Also quite a fan but smoother
on 15. April 2024, 10:24 by Piatato
on 9. March 2024, 18:51 by QuiltyAsCharged
A clever and entertaining puzzle, it is very good! But not so good for the townfolk, heh heh heh
on 31. January 2024, 23:19 by damasosos92
Edited wording of the description of the solution code
on 31. January 2024, 23:18 by Myxo
Lovely puzzle!
on 31. January 2024, 03:00 by dumediat
Really cool idea, thank you!
on 28. January 2024, 05:11 by marcmees
smooth. thanks
on 27. January 2024, 22:10 by ThePedallingPianist
I tested this a while back and I'm delighted it's been published now! Not only is it a very clever and well-executed idea, it made me feel like an accomplished solver as I discovered all of its beautiful little moments :)
on 27. January 2024, 17:18 by Christounet
Very nice !! Loved how the vampire rule tricked me into making some wrong deductions in several places. Thanks :)
on 27. January 2024, 04:15 by wisty
Phenomenal puzzle! Relearning how skyscraper logic and arrow math works with pesky vampires lurking about was *quite* the challenge for me - the logic is elegant and so rewarding though!
on 26. January 2024, 04:05 by damasosos92
Edited CtC-link
on 26. January 2024, 03:28 by Nordy
Fun, funny, and surprising—all of my favorite adjectives to describe a puzzle!
on 26. January 2024, 01:17 by Fra314
Absolutely fantastic, lots of wow moments and a really well constructed puzzle!