Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tuning Fork

(Published on 26. January 2024, 11:00 by shadow-nexus)

Tuning Fork

It begins in silence, but sound resonates outwards as soon as the tuning fork strikes the edge of the table...

Sudoku Fill the grid with the digits 1-9 so that no row/column/3x3box contains repeated digits.
Thermometer Digits along grey thermometer lines are increasing from the bulb towards the other ends.
German Whispers Adjacent digits along green German whispers lines have a difference of at least five.
Entropic Lines Any set of three sequential cells along peach coloured entropic lines must contain a low digit (1,2,3), a middle digit (4,5,6) and a high digit (7,8,9).

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CtC / SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 4 and row 5 (no spaces)

Last changed on on 26. January 2024, 12:46

Solved by Blashyrkh, asver, jalebc, albertol, by81996672, Banana, PinkNickels, SirWoezel, lmdemasi, kkli, SKORP17, DanishDynamite, seeppp, liushong, EmX68, mcc, TaeChi, 99jau99, noodlehead, Solved647, ludvigr04, PippoForte, finger, tiredsudoku
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on 26. January 2024, 16:00 by PinkNickels
Started easier than expected, then turned much more difficult! Very fun solve path. thanks for sharing

on 26. January 2024, 12:46 by shadow-nexus
Corrected the German solution code

Last changed on 26. January 2024, 12:53

on 26. January 2024, 12:02 by Blashyrkh
Nice! I was wondering about the 3* for a while, then it suddenly turned tough out of nowhere.

Also, the solution code is wrong in the German version! Rows 4&5 are required, but it says 7&3.

RE: Thanks. I corrected the solution code.
And I agree that the start is easy and the end is easy, but I gave it the 3 star difficulty anyway because the middle part can be tricky.
I'm glad you liked it!

Rating:79 %
Solved:24 times
Observed:7 times

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