Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kakuro S-Cells Loop [Secret Satan #1]

(Published on 25. January 2024, 11:57 by Christounet)

In December 2023, I participated to the Secret Satan event on Discord. With permission of my "victim" Tob Snibbob (aka. majorprofanity), I am sharing here the gift I made for them. This is the first of the 2 puzzles I made. It should be relatively approachable (estimated 3-4). The other puzzle, which is probably a bit more challenging, was a hidden puzzle that was revealed after solving the first one. I will share it here in a few days. I hope you enjoy !

The puzzle :

Play on Penpa

Rules :

Kakuro :

- In each white cell of the grid, place some digits from 0-9, so that no digit repeats in a "word" (i.e. an horizontal or vertical block of white cells situated between 2 grey cells, or between a grey cell and the border of the grid).

- The numbers in grey cells indicate the sum of digits in the corresponding "word" (bottom left clue for a vertical "word", top right clue for an horizontal "word")

S-cells :

Some cells in the grid are S-cells and contain 2 digits. A "word" may contain exactly one S-cell or none. There can be several S-cells in a row/column, as long as they are all in different "words".

Loop :

- Draw an oriented closed loop, joining the centers of some orthogonally connected white cells. The orientation of the loop has to be discovered.

- The loop has to pass through every S-cells.

- One of the digits in an S-Cell indicates the distance to the next S-Cell on the loop.

- The loop may not go through a cell with a 0, including if it is in an S-Cell.

Example puzzle :

Play on Penpa

Solution code: Digits in column 9 (where there is the 39 clue), from top to bottom. If there are S-cells, put both digits, with lowest digit first.

Last changed on on 4. April 2024, 10:19

Solved by Myxo, Tob Snibbob, lerroyy, h5663454, Bellsita, ONeill, Mr_tn, JustinTucker, zzw, Koalagator2, Leaub, Snookerfan, Paletron, KNT, Piatato, Gliperal, Jesper, abed hawila, Sewerin, Statistica, clover, Agent, Silverstep, PrimeWeasel, Uhu, Tom-dz, ManuH, Canyun, MaizeGator, Paquet Voleur
Full list


on 6. February 2025, 04:30 by Paquet Voleur
As a side note, I noticed that the link to the example puzzle leads to a copy of the main puzzle.

Last changed on 6. February 2025, 02:05

on 6. February 2025, 02:02 by Paquet Voleur
Superb variant kakuro! This was hard, but so much fun, stimulating logic, and basically all the good things one comes to expect from Christounet's puzzles.

on 29. December 2024, 00:00 by MaizeGator
Outstanding puzzle! In retrospect, it wasn't that hard, and I loved the way that several ambiguities resolved.

on 4. May 2024, 19:14 by PrimeWeasel
Smooth sailing with losing sight of the buoys in the middle due to visibility issues, but when it cleared up, super smooth finish

on 30. January 2024, 16:18 by Jesper
Lovely puzzle, thanks!

on 28. January 2024, 23:13 by Piatato
Fantastic! Brilliant interactions throughout!

on 28. January 2024, 06:41 by KNT
Great! I was really stuck at the beginning until I decided to read the rule that no 0 can be on the loop. Super smooth after that...

on 26. January 2024, 13:45 by Snookerfan
Excellent! Loved it so much, thank you

on 25. January 2024, 21:44 by ONeill
Brilliant! I also found it quite hard.

on 25. January 2024, 14:52 by lerroyy
Super puzzle!

on 25. January 2024, 13:49 by Myxo
Wow, what a puzzle! I found this quite hard though. Afraid of what's to come.

Rating:98 %
Solved:30 times
Observed:3 times

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