Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Diamond Rat Casino

(Published on 26. January 2024, 00:01 by heliopolix )

This puzzle was inspired by Lake and uses the excellent constraint invented in his puzzle Ace is high, with an additional twist suggested by Ratfinkz: the digit 1 can be high, low, or both at once for different clues. It also uses the other constraints from her excellent puzzle Diamond Mining. I hope you enjoy it!


  • Sudoku: Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.
  • Aces High?: The digit 1 counts as either value 1 or value 10 for every clue in the grid (including Anti-Knight). Any digit 1 can simultaneously have different values for different clues affecting the same cell.
  • Counting Diamonds: A digit value in a diamond counts how many times that digit value appears in all diamonds.
  • Anti-Knight: Cells a chess knight’s move apart may not have the same digit value. ("Aces High?" applies separately to each pair of cells which are a chess knight's move apart.)
  • Arrow: The digit values along an arrow line must sum to the digit value in the attached circle.
  • Kropki Pairs: Cells separated by a black dot must have digit values in a 2:1 ratio. Not all black dots are necessarily given.

Streamers have permission to use this puzzle.

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Hint: The combination of constraints means that Anti-Knight does not ever apply to 1s in this puzzle.

Solution code: Row 9

Last changed on on 1. February 2024, 20:11

Solved by Ratfinkz, KenGlue, harwiltz, Laake, VitP, lmdemasi, ViKingPrime, Scojo, annnz, pms_headache, PippoForte, SKORP17, OGRussHood, sze, Uhu
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on 1. February 2024, 20:07 by ViKingPrime
Lovely stuff! Really glad to see this constraint get some love, looking forward to the rest.

on 30. January 2024, 17:07 by heliopolix
Added clarification to interaction between Aces High and Anti-Knight constraints, as well as the suggested hint.

Last changed on 30. January 2024, 16:23

on 30. January 2024, 14:25 by VitP
the solve path is perfectly logical, but i think it would be better to state explicitly "the knight's rule DOES NOT APPLY to 1s"
Thank you, this is a good suggestion.

on 27. January 2024, 00:55 by Laake
It's always nice to meet another Ratfinkz Diamond Mining fan

on 26. January 2024, 14:36 by harwiltz
Really nice puzzle! The knights move constraint paired with the aces high rule confused me for a while, but once I wrapped my head around it, the logic was beautiful.

on 26. January 2024, 00:02 by Ratfinkz
This puzzle genuinely made my day! It's absolutely stunning, thank you!

Rating:88 %
Solved:15 times
Observed:6 times

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