Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Beginner's Guide to Variant Sudokus

(Published on 24. January 2024, 07:01 by juggler)

This is a crash course on some of the most commonly seen sudoku variants. It's structured as a series of 8 simple puzzles, one for each mechanic, that use tiny 4x4 or 6x6 grids and should each take no more than five minutes to solve. You'll be an expert in no time!

(If you're already an expert, you can also speed-solve all 8 back-to-back. Let me know your total solving time in the comments!)


In all of these puzzles, normal sudoku rules apply: fill the grid with the digits 1-4 (or 1-6 for the 6x6 puzzles) so that no digit repeats in any row, column, or box (the regions outlined with thick black lines).

I. Introduction to Killer Sudokus
Play on Sudokupad

- Digits in cages sum to the number in the corner of the cage.
- Digits cannot repeat within a cage.
- Digits along the diagonal indicated by an arrow sum to the number by the arrow.

II. Introduction to Kropki Dots
Play on Sudokupad

- A white dot between two cells requires that the value in one cell is exactly 1 greater than the value of the other cell.
- A black dot between two cells requires that the value in one cell is exactly double the value of the other cell.

Note: This is called "partial" kropki because some puzzles use the "full kropki" rule, where you are told that all possible dots have been given, and can make conclusions based on lack of dots between cells.

III. Introduction to XV
Play on Sudokupad

- Two cells separated by a V have values that sum to 5.
- Two cells separated by an X have values that sum to 10.

IV. Introduction to Arrows
Play on Sudokupad

- The digits on the line part of an arrow sum to the value indicated on its circle / obround.
- The obround represents a two digit number, read from left to right.

V. Introduction to Anti-Knight
Play on Sudokupad

- If two cells are a knight's move apart (i.e. two steps horizontally and one step vertically, or vice versa), then they cannot have the same digit.

(this puzzle also uses the Partial Kropki rule from earlier)

VI. Introduction to Thermometers
Play on Sudokupad

THERMOMETERS (also called "thermos" for short)
- Digits strictly increase in value along a thermometer, starting from the bulb end.
- It's not required that adjacent cells have adjacent values, for example 1-3-4 or 2-4 would both be valid.

VII. Introduction to Renban Lines
Play on Sudokupad

- Digits on a purple Renban line must be a set of consecutive, non-repeating digits (in any order). For example, a length 3 line could have -3-1-2-, but not -1-2-4- or -1-3-1-.

VIII. Introduction to Counting Circles
Play on Sudokupad

Any digit in a circle indicates exactly how many circles contain that digit. As an example, if there is a 2 in any circle, there are exactly two 2s in circles in the puzzle.

Fun fact: counting circles first appeared in 2023 in this puzzle by Marty Sears.

Solution code: The number in the lower right cell of each of the 8 puzzles, in order.

Last changed on on 8. August 2024, 21:21

Solved by Miaocik, metacom, appleponycmh, RussKozerski, ark29, c_sogeg, RickiFerrara, geronimo92, jalebc, ludvigr04, Wuschel, Guillem98, liushong, Krokant, pepe74287, MSBurden, rcg, str, Wyrdsister, XhcnoirX, ... Antimatter, varbrad, Mazejica, AlexandraV, GeneralPhats, bereolosp, MaciekZ, Nadav, jjjbbb1111, Jrgamer4u, MissMaple, HenkRutten, Pseud0bread, toboed, Uattanscethe09, MattYDdraig, AkashG23, Dendroas
Full list


Last changed on 25. October 2024, 13:20

on 25. October 2024, 13:19 by AkashG23
I. 0:45
II. 1:56
III. 1:21
IV. 0:55
V. 0:25
VI. 1:15
VII. 1:39
VIII. 0:23
This was a pretty nice starter pack and nice to speedsolve!

on 25. October 2024, 03:27 by MattYDdraig
A great collection to introduce new solvers to variant sudoku.

on 10. October 2024, 07:33 by AaronB
Total: 6:30.
I'm going to recommend this set to people who are interested in sudoku variants.

on 8. October 2024, 08:56 by FireRide
Good for beginners who just want to get used to rules. My times:
01:32, 02:09, 03:03, 01:06, 01:08, 01:55, 01:12, 01:41

on 17. August 2024, 19:48 by regande
Great beginner's puzzle

on 17. August 2024, 01:13 by Jrosas
I came to LMD looking for easy puzzles for my wife to learn the various variants. This is exactly what I wanted. Thank you. Total time 18:36. #3 at 5:25 took me down.

on 15. August 2024, 21:03 by yasmim.nat

on 8. August 2024, 16:37 by ostio456
Very enjoyable speed run.


Last puzzle had me thinking for a second as for whatever reason i haven't come across it before!

on 23. July 2024, 15:44 by Creed

on 19. July 2024, 19:35 by leongyanhao

on 16. July 2024, 22:53 by sockerbecca
Very cute little starter pack!

1. 01:39
2. 01:52
3. 03:13
4. 01:05
5. 00:46
6. 01:18
7. 01:13
8. 01:21

Total. 12:27

on 29. June 2024, 21:33 by Square Oracle
11:17, very nice :)

on 29. June 2024, 01:31 by Ratfinkz
Loved this, definitely sending to my mum! Speed ran them...
8minutes 5 seconds in total

on 18. June 2024, 20:34 by 1121
2:19, 1:32, 2:04, 1:35, 1:06, 0:46, 1:31, 0:44 total 11:37

on 21. May 2024, 15:07 by McParland57
1 - 1:20
2 - 2:28
3 - 3:20
4 - 1:20
5 - 0:51
6 - 0:52
7 - 2:38
8 - 0:41

on 6. May 2024, 20:02 by m_and_m_toastie
This would be a wonderful introduction to each of these variants. Very clear paths, which I think makes these a very good introduction to hand-made puzzles in general. Excellent set!

(In the spirit of speedrunning, I solved them all in 6:32)

on 5. May 2024, 03:48 by jiji7878
1. 0:20
2. 0:53
3. 1:29
4. 0:25
5. 0:19
6. 0:26
7. 0:50
8. 0:28

5:10 total

Last changed on 27. April 2024, 12:46

on 27. April 2024, 12:40 by mnstrmisha
So rewarding coming back to this just a week later! Last time i had *just* started solving sudoku, and couldn't get through all the puzzles.
Now my results look like this!!!

1. 1:47
2. 4:39
3. 2:22
4. 0:52
5. 1:09
6. 1:08
7. 2:37
8. 2:02

Total: 16:36!!
I know it's nowhere near *fast* but considering i only solved half the puzzle after an hour and a half last time i'm over the moon

on 11. April 2024, 06:34 by TrymanRacing
6:25 for my speed solve, a lovely set of puzzles

Last changed on 2. April 2024, 05:36

on 2. April 2024, 05:31 by Extarus
i too noticed the hair thing, i also noticed you could move it around by clicking in the mouse and dragging it past it. makes me wounder if theirs some hidden mechanic behind it being their
juggler: I think you'll find it will disappear after April 1st ;)

on 31. March 2024, 20:52 by oceansellaven
Did anyone else have a hair stuck on their puzzle?

Anyway very neat set of puzzles with great examples of the rule sets

on 27. March 2024, 19:24 by Wasa
1: 05:27
2: 11:49
3: 12:52
4: 07:25
5: 02:26
6: 01:57
7: 06:00
8: 06:19
Total: 54:15

on 22. March 2024, 12:31 by gideon
I really enjoyed these puzzles. Are there more collections like this?

on 15. February 2024, 23:37 by luda3
Thank you for sharing, very nice snacko puzzles

on 10. February 2024, 09:38 by Lulero
I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent on this :) And I'll definitely share it around!

Many thanks for setting and dressing this!

on 1. February 2024, 22:37 by RobertBe
6:11 total time

on 29. January 2024, 01:31 by deadpanditto
Sudokusnacks indeed. Fun and quick solves. I had the most trouble with the last puzzle, but mostly because I hadn't seen that variant before. My intuitive approach worked, but I'll have to look into why I'm right.

on 28. January 2024, 20:44 by OGRussHood
My times:
I. 45 seconds
II. 69 seconds
III. 98 seconds
IV. 44 seconds
V. 25 seconds
VI. 23 seconds
VII. 42 seconds
VIII. 45 seconds

on 25. January 2024, 21:35 by Benji
15 minutes of fun, thank you. :)

on 25. January 2024, 17:29 by ParaNox
I just spent the whole afternoon solving 4x4 "Snackdokus" and this is the first puzzle I come across today on LMG? Challenge accepted. :D Took me 3:36 in total.
Very enjoyable 3 and a half minutes, might I add.

on 25. January 2024, 15:32 by killroy
I love these. Exactly what should be part of some introduction/guide on basic rules.

on 25. January 2024, 10:14 by sujoyku
I have rushed through these nice little puzzles as well. It almost felt like eating chocolate where you can not really stop, but always need a next bite. :)
Thank you for setting and sharing, juggler!

on 24. January 2024, 23:43 by Jlrice2
I speed solved them as well. 4:29. The thermo one killed it for me at 1:17

on 24. January 2024, 22:58 by nunc
Nice little treat!

on 24. January 2024, 21:20 by Paxilinski
I really love the Beginner's Series. Thank you for setting this it really shows the different variants very well :)

on 24. January 2024, 20:51 by Demparo
Even thought it’s really easy, it’s really fun anyway. Great for its purpose. Perfect for letting my son start with variants.

on 24. January 2024, 20:41 by The Book Wyrm
A bunch of fun little puzzles. Very easy, but definitely should be pretty approachable to someone new to sudoku.

Decided to speed solve them, as suggested, and took 6:09 in total.

on 24. January 2024, 17:23 by jcelia
Fantastic job setting these. I'll be passing this along to friends who want to learn!

on 24. January 2024, 16:16 by Jorava
I think this is an excellent introduction for those unfamiliar with these variants. Took me 10:32.

on 24. January 2024, 14:30 by lordovol
Excellent introduction, though almost beginner I had a nice time solving these
Total time around 16 min, spent 6 minutes on the kropki puzzle

on 24. January 2024, 12:06 by Cipher Savant
Excellent introduction to the various Sudoku variants! I wasn't yet familiar with some of them, that was fun!

on 24. January 2024, 10:07 by str
No expert, but 12:31.

Rating:93 %
Solved:735 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant Variant combination Beginners Dominoes

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