Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Curious Consecutive Snake (by Paws and Ben)

(Published on 19. January 2024, 11:45 by starwarigami)

The majority of the credit goes to Paws and Ben for this gem - all I did was add some polish. Enjoy!

A curious consecutive snake starts in the center of the sudoku variant museum (R5C5) and wants to visit every exhibit (Box) exactly once and leave the museum through one of the 4 exits (Corners).

The snake consists of a single path of orthogonally connected cells that never touches itself orthogonally (diagonally is fine). Consecutive cells of the snake contain consecutive digits.

Solve the sudoku such that there exists a unique path for the snake through the museum.

All standard variant rules apply.

ctc link
f-puzzles link

Museum Guide
  • Exhibit 1: Thermometers. Digits along the thermometer increase from the bulb end.
  • Exhibit 2: Killer Cages. Digits in a cage must sum to the indicated total.
  • Exhibit 3: XV. Digits separated by the V sum to 5
  • Exhibit 4: Odd/Even. Digits in a square must be even.
  • Exhibit 5: Arrows. Digits along the arrow sum to the 2-digit number shown in the attached pill.
  • Exhibit 6: Quadruples. The digits in the circle must appear in one of the four surrounding squares.
  • Exhibit 7: Kropki Dots. Digits separated by a white dot must be consecutive.
  • Exhibit 8: Min/Max. The digit in the grey cell must be greater than every orthogonally adjacent digit.
  • Exhibit 9: Between lines. Digits along the line must be strictly between the digits in the two attached circles.

Solution code: Column 1 (top to bottom) - 9 digits, no spaces

Last changed on on 19. January 2024, 11:47

Solved by Leaving Leaves, gfoot, nocturnomath, Calvinball, maxwork1113, killer_rectangle, dskaff, SeveNateNine, lars, olliwright, Clairitin, Bootenks, Asphodel, matzrh, Felis_Timon, Al Fresco, Kriodeco, marcmees, Isael, jkuo7, irq, Tamuha, elpadrinoIV, bansalsaab, dogfarts, dunder, ZornsLemon, salsais, trashghost, doomedmageknight, Sewerin, codewizard, SashaBu, cybers, sorryimLate
Full list


on 19. January 2024, 20:15 by maxwork1113
@lars If it's still unclear, non-snake cells and adjacent snake cells CAN contain consecutive digits. The rule about uniqueness only comes into use toward the end of solving to assure there are not two paths that adhere to all other rules.

on 19. January 2024, 19:33 by Calvinball
Very cool puzzle! This is definitely one to check out.

on 19. January 2024, 13:35 by lars
Does the rule about the uniqueness of the path imply that non-snake cells and adjacent snake cells cannot contain consecutive digits?

on 19. January 2024, 11:47 by starwarigami
Added explicit variant rules to description for reference

Rating:98 %
Solved:35 times
Observed:12 times

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