Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Serpent's Lair (Magic Labyrinth, Snake, Renban, Anti-consecutive)

(Published on 13. January 2024, 18:06 by Chilly)

AnalyticalNinja and I recently worked together on an ARG, which we both enjoyed very much. So we decided to collaborate to make a variant Sudoku together using some of our favourite constraints, and with a little Magic Labyrinth twist. We really liked how it turned out, and we hope you will too.

The Rules:

  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.

  • Snake: shade the grid in two colours such that the first colour forms a non-branching, 1-cell wide orthogonally-connected 'snake'. The snake may not touch itself orthogonally or diagonally. No such rules apply to the second colour. The solver must determine which shading is snake and which is not.

  • Renban: digits on a purple renban line must be a consecutive set, but may appear in any order. Adjacent cells on a renban line must have opposite shading.

  • Non-consecutive: digits in cells separated by red dots must be non-consecutive. Cells separated by red dots must have opposite shading.

  • Magic Labyrinth Sequence: four different digits form a Magic Labyrinth (ML) set. The digits in this set are to be determined by the solver. These digits must appear in sequence in numerical order along the snake. Other digits from outside the set may appear anywhere along the snake, including before, between and after each ML digit. The head of the snake is to the left of its tail. The ML sequence must start with its lowest digit near the head, and end with its highest digit near the tail. The start and end of the sequence do not necessarily need to coincide exactly with the head and tail.

    For example, if the ML set were (in order) {2 4 6 8} and the remaining digits were {1 3 5 7 9} then a valid sequence along the snake could be: 5 7 3 *2* 7 9 *4* *6* 5 1 *8* *2* 5 9 1 *4* 1 *6* 7 *8* 1 9

    Serpent's Lair

    by AnalyticalNinja and Chilly

    Link for solving on Sudokupad

Solution code: The first 15 digits along the snake (starting from the head) that are NOT in the ML set.

Last changed on on 21. January 2025, 15:59

Solved by Starlight, Ambrose, agueybana, mathpesto, kublai, isajo4002, Myxo, MicroStudy, Eclectic_Hoosier, Bellsita, batmanprof, BeeBoi, Likier, cybers, palpot
Full list


on 22. January 2024, 01:05 by Myxo
Neat construction :)

on 19. January 2024, 00:38 by mathpesto
Tough but fun!

on 14. January 2024, 22:46 by Ambrose
Very intricate, challenging and cool!

on 13. January 2024, 22:52 by Starlight
This is beautiful. I really struggled with how to get started but once I realised it flowed so nicely. Awesome puzzle

Rating:96 %
Solved:15 times
Observed:10 times

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