Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 12. January 2024, 16:17 by Myxo)

I noticed that there are no Nuri-Mazes in the portal yet, so here is an approachable one! In my opinion, this is a really fun genre to solve, and the ruleset is intuitive despite its length. Enjoy!


Shade some regions on the board to form a maze. A region is either completely shaded or unshaded. Regions containing a clue cannot be shaded. There can not be a 2x2 square of all shaded or all unshaded cells. For each pair of unshaded cells, there is exactly one path of edge-adjacent unshaded cells connecting them, i.e. all unshaded cells form an orthogonally contiguous area without any loops.

There is exactly one path between S and G that doesn't require backtracking. Circles must be part of this path, while triangles must not.

Penpa+ - puzz.link

Solution code: for the last 5 columns from left to right, the number of contiguous segments of unshaded cells

Last changed on on 12. January 2024, 18:35

Solved by zzw, chameleon, KNT, csilva, SPREVVIE, apothycus, goodcity, MicroStudy, Ambrose, szabog, ONeill, The Book Wyrm, jessica6, Piatato, Raistlen, Greg, tobymgk, Dandelo, puzzler05, Franjo, bernhard, ... filuta, Statistica, QuiltyAsCharged, jkuo7, Chilly, Default, jw119, Paletron, Zzzyxas, AnnaTh, AndreasS, plisken9, petecavcc, widjo, apiad, TheZwierz, Calesch, filmore, xtrm0, tottle321, Sniglett
Full list


on 24. February 2024, 16:13 by Chilly
Great fun - now I tried this, maybe I'm ready for the build-your-own version :)

on 20. January 2024, 23:06 by Christounet
Fun genre ! Thanks for introducing :)

on 17. January 2024, 16:26 by dumediat
Excellent introduction to the genre, thank you! :D

on 13. January 2024, 16:13 by yttrio
This introduced me to nuri-maze as well, and was a great introduction in terms of figuring out the basic types of logic involved!

on 13. January 2024, 01:13 by Piatato
Very pleasant!

on 12. January 2024, 23:17 by The Book Wyrm
Never tried nuri-maze before, but this was a really fun puzzle!
Fairly approachable as well, considering I've never solved one of these before.

on 12. January 2024, 22:51 by ONeill
Fun, thanks!

on 12. January 2024, 22:10 by szabog
Thank you for introducing a new type of puzzle :)

on 12. January 2024, 18:35 by Myxo
simplified solution code

on 12. January 2024, 18:07 by goodcity
First nuri-maze ! Nice progressive difficulty and smooth solve path :)

on 12. January 2024, 17:10 by chameleon
Good introduction to the genre!
I saw nurimaze for the first time in my life, but still managed to understand the basic principles and go though.

on 12. January 2024, 16:47 by zzw
Very nice and fun, thanks!

Rating:94 %
Solved:66 times
Observed:5 times

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